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NO UCH Macwahoc f.1972
Madam Charlotte f.1994
LV CH SE U(U)CH EE CH NO UCH FI UCH Marka Lab Vanessa at Foxyheart f.2020
Marquell Addition f.2017
Marquell Declaration
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Marquell Diplomat f.1999
GB SHCH Marquell Genevieve
Marquell Guineuere
GB SHCH Marquell Impulse
Marquell Issey Miyake
GB SHCH Marquell Kitilla Ice
Marquell Laura Lou
LU CH NL CH Marquell Optimist
Marquell Quiet Time
SE U(U)CH DK UCH Marquell Replay f.2011
Marquell Urgent Request
Marquell What's It All About
Marquell Yours Sincerely f.2015
Mary-Jane f.1976
Mattawin of Fourclovers
Matteus f.1976
GB SHCH Meggamooch Anthem
GB SHCH Meggamooch Baldrick
Meggamooch Boadicea f.1990
Meggamooch Calico f.1991
GB SHCH Meggamooch Echo
GB SHCH Meggamooch Frolic
GB SHCH Meggamooch Gem
SE U(U)CH GB SHCH Meggamooch Invincible at Waldmeiste f.2001
GB SHCH Meggamooch Melody Maker
Meggamooch Pink Gin
Meggamooch Queen of Quests
Meggamooch Razzamatazz
Meggamooch Ulysses
Meggamooch Xquisite Serendel
Melana of Fourclovers
Melker f.1978
Memfestor's Irena Emma
GB SHCH Millcroft Fire Crystal at Belcam
Millcroft Fire Fern
Millcroft Fire Fern f.1989
Millcroft Fire Song of Quintic
Millcroft Firefinch
Millcroft Firesprite f.1991
Millcroft Marsh Harrier of Deercomb
Milligan Day Tripper to Mountdown
Minicolombine f.1978
Minnihaha of Fourclovers
SE U(U)CH DK CH(U) Minninnewah of Yachtsman's Lodge f.2013
Montour of Fourclovers
VDH CH LU CH NL CH My-Boy Van De Volmolen Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-11 / Page updated 11 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024