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Wanna Bet
NO JCH Wasa Av Kvervelvind
SE JV-18 SE JV-19 Weimpoint Cadbury Brownie f.2018
Weimpoint Lochglow
Weimpoint Lochmaree f.2012
Weimpoint Lochtulla
Weimpoint Naughty Lil' Maleficent f.2014
NORD V-15 SE V-16 SE V-17 Weimpoint Naughty Wizard of Oz f.2014
Weimpoint Naughty's Lil'red Riding f.2014
Weimpoint No Strings Attached
Weimpoint Nseasydeno Autographs Pls f.2014
Weimpoint Slow Show Shimmer f.2019
Weimpoint Standing Ovation f.2019
SE V-23 Weimpoint Steal The Show f.2019
Weimpont Mae Seriously Moves Those
Wells Southern Charm
Westdown Snipe
Westicums Agata f.2011
Westicums Bruno f.2012
Westicums Ebba f.2012
Westicums Elsa f.2012
Westicums Hilda f.2011
Westicums Ida f.2011
Westicums Lisa f.2011
Westicums Otto f.2011
Westicums Svea f.2011
Westicums Tage f.2012
Westpoint's Bajas
Westpoint's Brunett
NO UCH NO JCH Westpoint's Emil
Westpoint's Hr Flick
Westpoint's Lissie
NO UCH NO JCH Westpoint's Pinto
Wherathy Storm Bird at Bracendown
Wherathy Walter at Calderside
Whippoorwill Bet
Whippoorwill Razor
Whippoorwill Wild Agin
Whippoorwill Wild Card
Whipspan Fame'n Glory
Whiskeygalore f.1983
Whitefield Arno
Whitefield Frac
Whitefield Nemo
Whitefield Sian
Whitefield Vico
Whitney f.1991
Wiick f.1999
Wilchrimane Black Ice
JWW-23 SE JV-23 Wilchrimane Frangipani f.2022
GB SHCH Wilchrimane Frankel
GB SHCH Wilchrimane Ice Crystal
GB SHCH Wilchrimane Ice Maiden
LT CH FI JV-16 SE V-18 SE VV-23 Wilchrimane Jump N'jive f.2015
Wilda f.2001
Wildfield Fire Dancer
Wildfield Gina
Wildfield Hanna
Wildfield Jadore f.2021
Wilma f.2002
Wilma Flintstone f.2016
Wind Dancer Albin Av Vor-Point
Windhovering Larch f.2014
Wingfield V D Sonse Bergen
Winnie f.1992
Winthers Allan
Winthers Erla
Winthers Nekoline
GB FTCH Wishy Washy of Spinningloch
GB FTCH Wizzer of Embercombe
Woodfield Black Baron f.1981
Woodfield Jezebel
Woodfield Leonarda
Woodfield Macy
Woodfield Oneida
Woodfield Thorne
Woodfield Tsappes f.2001
Woodfleet Looking Awesome
Woodwelike Believe in Sunbeam f.2014
Woodwelike Believe in Sunlight f.2014
Woodwelike Believe in Sunrise f.2014
C.I.E. NORD V-15 Woodwelike Believe in Sunshine f.2014
Woodwelike I Am Casanova Legacy f.2017
Woodwelike I Am Spirit of Scandiaca f.2017
Woodwelike Special Faith f.2012
Woodwelike Special Joy f.2012
Woodwelike Special Runner f.2012
NO JV-18 Worldpoints Abisko f.2017
Worldpoints Ace f.2017
Worldpoints Aliza f.2017
Worldpoints Amadeus f.2017
Worldpoints Athina f.2017
Worldpoints Bacardi f.2018
Worldpoints Baretta f.2018
Worldpoints Baronessa f.2018
Worldpoints Big Charlie P f.2018
Worldpoints Big Prada f.2018
Worldpoints Blixtra f.2018
Worldpoints Blues f.2018
Worldpoints Brunelli f.2018
Worldpoints Bugatti f.2018
Wox Vom Mückenborn
Wyebrook Abbey f.1980
Wyndsmoor Gold Lace of Kiswahili
GB SHCH Wyndsmoor Jules
Wyndsmoor Peppercorn
Wyndsmoor Rio Charmed
GB CH Wyndsmoor Rio Gold Sidan uppdaterad 2024-01-22 / Page updated 22 Jan 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-01-18 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 18 Jan 2024