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Raindrop of Bloodline f.2004
VDH CH CH UCH Raitis Armani V D Hohen Veitsch
Rather Ripity of The Fields Society
Raywey's Make It Me f.1997
Red Imp of Rhinlas
Reedmace Cutty Sark
C.I.B. Reedmace Dogrose Fancy
Reedmace Fenlight Finnegan
VDH CH CH UCH DE CH Reedmace Little Acorn
Reedmace Potcheen Bunratty
GB SHCH Reedmace Sweetbriar Floss Forelgert
Remember of Bloodline
VDH CH DE CH Revolution of Bloodline
Rhiwlas Cotes Du Rhone at Ridgetor
Rhiwlas Endora f.2000
C.I.E. Rhiwlas Fantasia f.2001
GB CH Rhiwlas Garth Shade Oak
GB CH Rhiwlas Hafren
Rhiwlas Harvester at Ridgetor
Rhiwlas Hazel
Rhiwlas Hazel Coppice
Rhiwlas Heidi f.1989
Rhiwlas Howard f.1989
Rhiwlas Jenny Wren f.1988
Rhiwlas Lady Abernant
Rhiwlas Likely Lad
Rhiwlas Major
Rhiwlas Nautical Buoy f.1990
Rhiwlas Nautical Lad of Westacres
Rhiwlas Offas Pool f.1990
Rhiwlas Rodway Belle
Rhiwlas Ryeman Bentoo
Rhiwlas Shaman f.2000
Rhiwlas Spaeton Sally
Rhiwlas Takawin
Rhiwlas Wateroak Survivor
Ridgetor Acorn
Ridgetor Brown Argos
SE U(U)CH SE V-04 Ridgetor Bubbling Water f.2000
Ridgetor Game
Ridgetor Goosander
Ridgetor Hemlock
Ridgetor Ice Cool
Ridgetor Integrity
Ridgetor Thyme f.1997
Ridware Emperor
GB SHCH Rimaelia Harvey
Rimaelia Herleen
Rimaelia Janeve
Rimaelia Jennifer
Rimaelia Rob Roy of Ilcourt
Rimaelia Simone
Rimaelia Zoe
SE U(U)CH SE JV-18 Rochita f.2017
SE U(U)CH FI UCH Rocmandi f.2017
Ronayne Royalist
DK CH(U) INT UCH SE U(U)CH & SE VCH NW 1 NW 2 Rosa Catarine of The Field Society f.2014
SE VCH SE U(U)CH DK CH(U) INT UCH DK V-16 Rosa Catarine of The Fields Society f.2014
Rosas Darcey of The Fields Society f.2015
Rosedor f.2021
NO V-02 SE U(U)CH NO UCH Ryefield Dixi f.1996
SE U(U)CH Ryefield Sabina f.1996 Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-11 / Page updated 11 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024