W-Dalens Bianca f.1992
W-Dalens Bill f.1992
W-Dalens Birk f.1992
W-Dalens Birka f.1992
W-Dalens Blondie f.1992
W-Dalens Bonzo f.1992
W-Dalens Boss f.1992
W-Dalens Disa f.2017
W-Dalens Donnadiquattro f.2017
DE&VDH CH Waikiki of Meadow's Brook
PL CH Walkiria Z Orszaku Chrobrego
Walle f.1977
Walshaw Anil
Walshaw Let's Party
Walshaw Lost Among The Stars
Walshaw Stormbird
Walshaw Summerstorm
Walshaw Tea Party f.2004
Walshaw Touch of Frost f.2009
Walshaw Truly Delightful
Walshaw Wine and Roses
Walter f.2005
Wanabush English Christmas Bird f.1993
Wanabush English Christmas Orange f.1993
Wanabush English Christmas Star f.1993
Wanabush English Snowflake f.1993
Wanabush English Snowglint f.1993
Wanabush English Snowgoblin f.1993
Wanabush English Snowman f.1993
Wanabush English Snowracer f.1993
Wanabush English Snowstorm f.1993
Wanahan Pekan Haiku
Wandsfell Don't Call Me Babe
Wandsfell Just Being Me
Wandsfell Leading Me Astray at Dara
Wandsfell Leading Me On
SE JV-12 Wandsfell Look at Me f.2011
Wandsfell Make Me Happy f.2014
Wandy f.1978
Wanghöen's Bonnie
Wanghöen's Kitty
Wanghöen's Liss Ii
Wanghöen's Tone
GB SHCH Wansleydale Blackberry
GB SHCH Wansleydale Blackbird
GB SHCH Wansleydale Cloudberry at Bramstorm
GB SHCH Wansleydale King of Hearts at Brams
PL CH Wansleydale Maraschino
Wansleydale Margarita
Wansleydale Muddy Waters
C.I.E. PL CH Wansleydale Orszak Gold
PL CH NL CH Wansleydale Orszak Prince
Wansleydale Peggy Sue
Wansleydale Quicksilver
Wansleydale Ribbons N'lace Over Anl
GB SHCH Wansleydale Rowanberry of Valsett
GB SHCH Wansleydale Royal Flush
GB SHCH Wansleydale Scarlett Ribbon
GB SHCH Wansleydale Storm Magic
Wansleydale Storm Petrel
GB SHCH Wansleydale Witch Doctor
Warmahill's American Art
Warmahill's American Cousin
NORD V-11 Warmahill's Funny-Funny Et f.2007
Watt f.1977
GB FTCH Wee Piper of Jonsmae
Wervest's Laydy
Wervest's Life f.1979
Wervest's Topp
Westerner Savage Play f.1997
Westerner Secondhand Rose f.1997
Westerner Sergeant Pepper f.1997
Westerner Shades of Glory f.1997
Westerner Shining Blond f.1997
Westerner Shiny Stockins f.1997
Westerner Skywalker f.1997
Westerner Snow Warrior f.1997
Westerner Snowcorn f.1997
Westerner Star's and Stripes f.1997
Westerner Sweetpea f.1997
Wetherby Whisper to Wansleydale
US CH Weymouth's Make No Mistake
US CH Weymouths Eyes On The Tiger
Whiskey f.2001
Whisper Cassandra of Rowmere
White Ear
White Lady
JWW-14 SE V-16 White Lily Lofty f.2013
White Lily Lofty f.2013
White Skipper f.1978
White-Black Milan
White-Bonzo f.1978
White-Lady f.1980
Wictor f.1977
Wiggo f.2003
Wiggo f.2005
Wiktor f.2005
Wild De Arteta
Wilda f.1980
Wilda f.2004
Wilda f.1998
Wilda f.2005
Wilda f.2017
Wilda W f.1989
US CH Wildwood's Full Metal Jacket
Wille f.1977
William f.1998
Willåsan's Snåbben
Wilma f.1998
Wilma f.2005
Wilma f.1986
SE LCH Wilma f.1979
Wilma f.2011
Wilma f.2011
Wilpattu f.1979
Wina f.1999
Wince f.2005
Wind Dancer's Special Justice
SE V-01 Windem Snowsett Incognito f.1995
US CH Windem's Honor Society
SE V-96 SE V-98 Windem's Keep On Running f.1995
BE CH Windem's Sarad of Whitehouse
NORD V-95 Windems Almost An Angel f.1994
US CH Windems Devil Or Angel
BE CH Windems Lotsa Dots
US CH Windeyms Devil Or Angel
Windy f.1994
Windy Dr Av Trollbo
Wingfield 'n Chebaco Bucket List
US CH Wingfield N Chebaco Just So You Kno
Winnie f.1989
Winst f.2005
Winter f.1998
Winter f.2016
Winterbird f.1984
Wiper f.1978
Wips Io Av Trollbo
Wistaston School Breeze at Elswood
Wistaston School Report of Upperwoo
Wistaston School Sensu
Wistaston School Star Time
Wonder Star of Suntop
Wondover Av Trollbo f.1978
Wood-Cock Av Trollbo f.1982
Woodcraft's Apach f.1993
Woodcraft's Bell f.1993
Woodcraft's Boss f.1989
Woodcraft's Candy f.1987
Woodcraft's Caramba f.1989
Woodcraft's Catch The Wind f.1989
Woodcraft's Charles-Dickens f.1989
Woodcraft's Charming Lizzy f.1989
Woodcraft's Enterprise f.1987
Woodcraft's Enterprise's Sister f.1987
Woodcraft's Entertainer f.1987
Woodcraft's Fajta f.1990
Woodcraft's Fanny f.1990
Woodcraft's Felicia f.1990
Woodcraft's Fideli f.1990
Woodcraft's Fiffi f.1990
Woodcraft's Filippa f.1990
Woodcraft's Flip f.1990
Woodcraft's Frans f.1990
Woodcraft's I-Benke f.1991
Woodcraft's I-Cebastian f.1991
Woodcraft's I-Chess f.1991
Woodcraft's I-Joker f.1991
Woodcraft's I-Laisa f.1991
Woodcraft's I-Lilly-Langtry f.1991
Woodcraft's I-Lucky-Chance f.1991
Woodcraft's I-Rebell f.1991
Woodcraft's Lill Tara f.1986
Woodcraft's Mandy f.1987
Woodcraft's Nicko f.1989
Woodcraft's Shandy f.1987
Woodcraft's Wandy f.1987
Woodcraft's Winn f.1986
Woodcraft's Winnie f.1986
Woodhill Air Murphy
BE CH Woodrose Bend in The Road
Worldpoints Aila f.2017
Worldpoints Alba f.2017
Worldpoints Amazona f.2017
NO JV-18 Worldpoints Armani f.2017
Worldpoints Astra f.2017
Worldpoints Athena f.2017
Woundales Casper
Wyndame Jl Av Trollbo f.1974
US CH Wyndswept's Encore
CH Wyndswept's Hearts On Fire
Wyndswept's Hold Onto Your Heart Of
CH Wyndswept's Legacy of Sir Cedric
CH Wyndswept's Reflection
CH Wyndswept's Reflection of A Legacy