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Stamtavla för cocker spaniel / Pedigree for cocker spaniel
Efter/Sire: SE U(U)CH Northworth Again and Again
Undan/Dam: Line Sam Yanine

SE U(U)CH Northworth Again and Again WW-96 FI V-95 WW-95 JWW-94 FI UCH INT UCH Northworth Madman's Return NO UCH GB SHCH Spinneyhill Sadler GB SHCH Quettadene Emblem GB SHCH Sorbrook Christmas Knight
Quettadene Fascination
Spinneyhill Shadow Canigou Victor of Cornbow
Spinneyhill Sweet Dreams
EUW-93 DK UCH FI UCH INT UCH ES CH Northworth Vulgar Taste FI UCH INT UCH Leavenworth Hold That Tiger Bidston Solomon
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Leavenworth Love Call
Swenglish Turn Me Loose NO UCH Travis Two Tribes
Northworth Lady Play Again
Northworth Hue and Cry NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Tanac's Play It Again NO UCH Travis True Grit Travis Back in Town
NO UCH Travis Quivive
NO UCH GB SHCH Rengil Rensheen Platonstown Star Quality of Rengil
Rengil Renlibby
Northworth Twice As Wild EE CH FI UCH INT UCH Lecibsin Merry-Making Bryansbrook Sundance
FI UCH Leavenworth Merry Maid
KBH V-91 DK UCH FI UCH INT UCH Northworth Wild and Wise FI UCH INT UCH Leavenworth Hold That Tiger
FI UCH INT UCH Arabeskin Adalmiina
Line Sam Yanine DE CH Line Sam Flipper Fieldstone Trapper Mcmurphy US CH Westerner Marching Order ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Fieldstone Margaret Mcmurphy US CH Diakonia Triple Crown
US CH Sweet Apple Coronation
Line Sam Lilie Marlene Greentree Dont Think Twice Greentree Hope'n Success
Greentree Noccalula
Line Sam Gleam N' Glory SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Liecocks Double Pleasure
Liecocks Moon Gleam
Line Sam Tiffanee Greentree Dont Think Twice Greentree Hope'n Success NORD V-86 NORD V-85 Leavenworth Kissingsuccess
Greentree Amalulu
Greentree Noccalula NO UCH Greentree Distant-Drum
Greentree Luckyday
Line Sam Name of The Game Lynwater Spearmint Lynwater Ruststone
Lynwater Lilac
Line Sam Cindee Peters NORD UCH Westerner Forest Blaze
Line Sam Lucille Ball Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-01 / Page updated 1 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024