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Stamtavla för cocker spaniel / Pedigree for cocker spaniel
Efter/Sire: Greentree Dont Think Twice
Undan/Dam: Linesam Disa

Greentree Dont Think Twice Greentree Hope'n Success NORD V-86 NORD V-85 Leavenworth Kissingsuccess Bidston Solomon Kenavon Black Ace of Cilleine
Misbourne Saneeta
FI UCH INT UCH Leavenworth Butter Kiss NO UCH GB SHCH Lochranza Farmer's Boy
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Leavenworth Lucky Choice
Greentree Amalulu NO UCH Greentree Distant-Drum Travis Hazy Idea
NO UCH Travis Quivive
NO UCH Greentree Isadora NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Kavora Shoe Shine
NO UCH Travis in Tune
Greentree Noccalula NO UCH Greentree Distant-Drum Travis Hazy Idea GB SHCH Broomleaf Bright Memory
Notluon Luelle
NO UCH Travis Quivive FI UCH Finnwin Quixute
NO UCH Travis Shoe Shuffle
Greentree Luckyday NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Kavora Shoe Shine GB SHCH Lochranza Newsprint
Kavora Sweet Talk
NO UCH Travis in Tune NO UCH Kavora Debonair
NO UCH Travis Call The Tune
Linesam Disa NO UCH Hubbestad Knick-Knack NO UCH GB SHCH Lochranza Farmer's Boy GB SHCH Bronze Knight of Broomleaf GB SHCH Scotswood Warlord
Black Frost of Broomleaf
Lochranza Dairymaid Butter Print of Broomleaf
GB SHCH Lochranza Bittersweet
NO UCH Hubbestad Kareena NO UCH Hubbestads Jonathan FI JCH NORD UCH INT UCH Lochdene Kestila
NORD UCH INT UCH Moorcliff Model
NORD UCH Hubbestads Katinka SE UCH DK UCH Örlidens Dancing Star
Morwen's Nigger Girl of Ware
Hubbestad Jessie Jones NO UCH GB SHCH Lochranza Farmer's Boy GB SHCH Bronze Knight of Broomleaf GB SHCH Scotswood Warlord
Black Frost of Broomleaf
Lochranza Dairymaid Butter Print of Broomleaf
GB SHCH Lochranza Bittersweet
NORD UCH INT UCH Hubbestad Jenny Jenny NO UCH Hubbestad Privat Fashion NO UCH GB SHCH Lochranza Man of Fashion
NO UCH Lochranza Prunella
NO UCH Hubbestad Jannicke NO UCH Lochdene Bilbo
NORD UCH Hubbestads Jennifer Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-01 / Page updated 1 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024