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Daffy-Duck f.1992
Daimond f.2007
Daisy f.1984
Daisy f.1979
Daisy f.1983
Daisy-Belles Black Gipsy-Lass
DK UCH Daisy-Belles Challenge Chap
Daisy-Blue f.1982
IE CH Dajue's Cleo's Theme
Dajue's Dark Diva
SE UCH NO UCH Dame Fergie Fra Krohnstad f.1991
Damsey f.1994
Dandanella f.1981
Dandiboj f.1981
Dandibrush Heritage f.1993
Dandibrush Mut 'n' Tut
Dandibrush Sugar N' Spice
Dandibrush Tabby's Tomasina Titlemo
Dandibrush Tiggy Winkle
Dandibrush Wot-A-Sugar
Dandibrush Wot-A-Woppa
Dandino f.1981
Dandy f.1977
Dandy f.1979
Daniel f.1981
CH Daniele
Dannicka f.1981
Danny Vom Der Hummelwiese
Dante f.1994
Danzingdoll f.1981
SE UCH Dark Dignitary f.1973
Dark-Dante f.1989
Darkwater Diamond Lil Atessandsee
Darkwater Dinah Might
Darling f.1992
Dashing Paws Priceless Gold Nugget f.2003
Dave f.1985
Davealex Dawn Reign
Davealex Highland Abbe
Davealex Iownhim
Davealex Lady Madonna at Ansara
GB CH Davealex Royle Baron
GB CH Davealex Royle Brigadier
Davealex Wee Caley
David f.1979
Davona f.1977
Dawn Music f.1973
Day-Tripper f.1995
CH Daybar Shaken Not Stirred
Daydreams f.1982
Dayenne f.1977
NL CH Dazzling Dodger of Debora's Farm
SK CH CZ CH C.I.B. Dea-Dro Kasiterit Mona
PL CH Dea-Dro Katherine
RS CH Dea-Dro Look I'm Here
SL CH SK CH CZ CH C.I.B. HU CH AT CH Dea-Dro Marco Polo
FI UCH Dearbolt Birthday Boy f.1979
VDH CH PT CH Dearbolt George Seagull
GB CH Dearbolt Hooray Henry With Catsun
Dearbolt Lady Charalee Fawn
Dearbolt Lady Cordelia
Dearbolt Lady Emma
Dearbolt Lord Snooty
Debbeacol Born to Boogie f.2013
Debbeacol Pride and Joy
Decibell f.1984
Dee f.1985
Deedee f.1994
Dejsi f.1977
GB CH Deldrove Debonair at Padworth
Delicious f.1977
EE CH INT UCH CSSP CH Delightful Cassie Z Mondeo
Delighting Summerday
Dennis f.1980
Denters Whirlwinds Black Label
Denters Whirlwinds Catch The Wind
Denters Whirlwinds Fame Toprettybea
Denters Whirlwinds Just A Kiss f.2007
GB CH Desborough Declaration
GB CH Desborough Destiny of Sammara
Desborough Devotion at Lexxicon
Desborough Discretion
GB CH Desborough Dramatist at Allhiker f.1986
GB CH Desborough Dulcinea of Snowmead
Desiree f.2013
Dessi f.1977
Dessy f.1994
Desteny f.1977
Dexter f.1977
Dgin Tonic Black Du Ru D'heudelimay
INT UCH FR CH Diaboloe De Gouyh-Noire
Diana f.1979
Diana f.2002
Diana f.1977
Diana f.1996
Diana f.2013
Dick-Tracy f.1992
Dicken f.1976
Diesel f.2018
Digger f.1977
Dileva f.1994
Dina f.1984
Dinah f.1979
Dinkey f.1989
Dinkiez Black Indiana Queen f.1990
Dinkiez Diamond Queen f.1991
Dinkiez King Charming f.1991
Dinkiez King Pono f.1991
Dinkiez King Rufius Mawerick f.1990
Dinkiez Lady Gizmo Attraction f.1990
Dinkiez Lady Muffie Malour f.1990
Dinkiez Lord Sam f.1991
Dinkiez New York Phanter Queen f.1991
Dinkiez Presious Lady Sanne f.1990
Dinkiez Queen Charming f.1991
Dinkiez Rasmus De La Malte f.1991
Dinkiez Rasmus Dé La Macho f.1990
Diotima Airs and Graces f.1990
Diotima Always On My Mind
Diotima Bear Becessity
GB CH Diotima Blue Kisses to Natterjack
GB CH Diotima Dream Baby
Diotima Finishing Touch f.1992
CA CH Diotima Fortune Smiles
GB CH Diotima Gabriella
GB CH Diotima Lightsome
US CH Diotima Sea Eagle
Diotima Sea Scout f.2001
Diotima Sea Scout f.2001
SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH GB CH Diotima Sea Wolf at Ramsgrove f.2001
SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH GB CH Diotima Sea Wolf at Ramsgrove f.2001
Diotima Sweet Dreams at Brenriga
SE UCH Diotima Sweet Lord f.1988
Diotima Tiger Lily
Diotima's Last Orders f.2006
SE UCH DK UCH Diotima's Sweet Heart at Ramsgrove f.2008
CH Diotoma Fortune Smiles
Discovery f.2011
Diva De Un Rebayo Escoces
Divans Angel Named Jo'anna f.2006
Divans Angel of Hope and Glory f.2006
Divans Black Bacardi f.2007
SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH Divans Black Beauty f.2007
Divans Black Belinda f.2007
Divans Black Beluga f.2007
Divans Black Knight f.2007
Divans Black Label f.2007
Divans Black Panther f.2007
Divans Black Russian f.2007
Divans Black Sabbath f.2007
Divans Black Velvet f.2007
Divans Charming Castello f.2010
Divans Cliff Hanger f.2010
Divans Little Angel Called Mandy f.2006
Divans Sweet Angel Lisette f.2006
Dixi f.1984
Dixi-Black f.1990
Dixie f.1984
Dixie f.1980
Do-As-You-Like f.1982
Dog Rose of Tambora
Dogberry f.1984
Doing-The-Same f.1982
Dojan f.1994
Dolly f.1984
Dolly-Black f.1990
Domino f.1980
Domino Von Der Brandenburger Beardi
Don Carlos f.1992
Don-Black f.1990
Donaldbain f.1984
Donna f.1984
Donna-Black f.1990
Dontmissme-Ero f.1983
Dora f.1976
Doris f.1995
Dorita f.1977
Dorothy f.1974
SL CH C.I.B. SE UCH PL CH HU CH Double Fantasy Kiaora f.2006
Double Happy Jump and Bounce f.2012
Double Happy Jump and Enjoy f.2012
Double Happy Jump and Rejoice f.2012
RLD N Double Happy Jump Up and Kiss Me f.2012
Double Happy Jumping Black Linda f.2012
Double Happy Jumping Jack Flash f.2012
SE UCH DK UCH Double Happy Smartness f.2007
RO CH HU CH Double Scotch Black Digger
Double Scotch Black Honeymoon
SK CH GR CH RS CH HU CH Double Scotch Black Man in Black
SE UCH FI UCH Double Scotch Black Philadelphia f.2007
SK CH C.I.B. PL CH NL CH Double Scotch Black Rosalinda
Double Scotch Black Rosalinda f.2010
HU CH Double Scotch Blue Fan-Fan
SL CH SK CH HU CH Double Scotch Blue Jolly Joker
Double-Up f.2000
Doucile Da Mia Cuccia
Doughnut f.1994
Dozy f.1985
Dream About Deep Z Domu Etny f.2007
PL CH Dream About Dzamila Z Domu Etny f.2007
US CH Dreamchaser Strathearn Soulmate
Dreamfactory Adelaide f.2006
Dreamfactory Albertine f.2006
Dreamfactory Alpha-Vile f.2006
Dreamfactory Alvina f.2006
Dreamfactory Amalthea f.2006
Dreamfactory Angel f.2006
Dreamfactory Apple-Pie f.2006
Dreamfactory Aragone f.2006
Dreamfactory Aramis f.2006
Dreamfactory Bella Blue f.2007
Dreamfactory Bellatrix f.2007
Dreamfactory Blue Sapphire f.2012
Dreamfactory Braveheart f.2007
Dreamfactory Brilliant f.2007
SE UCH Dreamfactory Broadway f.2007
SE UCH Dreamfactory Buttercup f.2007
Dreamfactory Buttermilk f.2007
Dreamfactory Butterscotch f.2007
Dreamfactory Cesar f.2010
RLD N RLD F RLD A Dreamfactory Céléste f.2010
Dreamfactory Chocolate Pie f.2010
Dreamfactory Deep Sea f.2012
Dreamfactory Desert Dust f.2012
Dreamfactory Diamond f.2012
Dreamfactory Dream On f.2012
Dreamfactory Easygoing Lifestyler f.2014
Dreamfactory Electric Power f.2014
Dreamfactory Enchanting Look f.2014
Dreamfactory Enjoyable Company f.2014
Dreamfactory Exellent Choice f.2014
Dreamfactory Exotic Magic f.2014
Dreamfactory Express f.2014
Dreamfactory Handsome Expression f.2014
Dressy Alwin Duke of Ram and Taurus
CH Drover's Lane Bittersweet Symphonie
Drover's Lane Fairness
Drover's Lane Hazel My Honey
Drover's Lane Hazel My Honey
Drummanor Morolt From Dajue
Drutten f.1977
Drängagråten Albarone f.2022
Drängagråten Amarone f.2022
Drängagråten Amicone f.2022
Drängagråten Calem f.2022
Drängagråten Masi f.2022
SE VCH Drängagråten Selvarossa f.2022
Drängagråten Zinfandeli f.2022
FI V-09 SE VCH C.I.B. SE V-15-16-17 SE VV-16-17 NORD UCH & SE UCH Duchess Montebello Smartness f.2007
Duffy-Black f.1990
Duncannas Classy Lassie of Arranbra
US CH Dunhill Cruisin With Attitude
US CH Dunhill Inspiration
US CH Dunhill Steeler Nation
Dupton Digging Forgold f.1993
Dupton Pearlofbrussels f.1994
FI UCH Dupton Shadow Onthesun
SE UCH FI UCH Dupton Sweeping Wind f.1990
Dusty f.1994
Dusty-Black f.1990
GB CH Dutch Bonnet of Willowmead
Duty-Free's All I' Ve Got to Do f.1997
Dynamit Vanilka f.2019
Dyneema's All That Jazz f.1997
Dyneema's Annie Get Your Gun f.1997
Dyneema's Big Boys Dont Cry f.1995
Dyneema's Bitter Strong Girl f.1995
Dyneema's Born to Be A Live f.1995
Dyneema's Brown Girl in The Ring f.1995
Dyneema's Carl-Hamilton f.1997
Dyneema's Cim-Egoist f.1994
Dyneema's Cim-Farenhight f.1994
Dyneema's Cim-Hugo Boss f.1994
Dyneema's Cim-Jazz f.1994
Dyneema's Cim-Korus f.1994
Dyneema's Cim-Laura Beagotti f.1994
Dyneema's Cim-Lou-Lou f.1994
SE UCH Dyneema's Cim-Obsession f.1994
Dyneema's Di-Di-Dior f.1996
Dyneema's Donald Duck f.1996
Dyneema's Doris Day f.1996
Dyneema's Fajjita Mix f.2001
Dyneema's Hot Salsa f.2001
Dyneema's James-Bond f.1997
Dyneema's Madame Butterfly f.1997
Dyneema's My Fair Lady f.1997
Dyneema's Old El Paso f.2001
Dyneema's Phantom of The Opera f.1997
Dyneema's Sound of Music f.1997
Dyneema's X-Mas Tequila f.1991
Dyneema's X-Mas Tiger Tail f.1991
Dyneema's X-Mas Time Bomb f.1991
Dyneema's X-Mas Titiani f.1991
Dyneema's X-Mas Triple Sec f.1991 Sidan uppdaterad 2024-02-06 / Page updated 6 Feb 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-02-05 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 5 Feb 2024