La Baron's All Gussied Up
US CH La Baron's She's A Tease
US CH La Baron's She's A Tease
La Baron's She's A Tease
US CH La Baron's Sierra Mist
US CH La Baron's Sierra Mist
US CH La Mar!s Ivory Summer
CH La Mar's London
La Sabrina Del Cambami
DK UCH US CH La Shay's Dennis The Menace
DK UCH US CH La Shay's Dennis The Menace
La Vigie Star of Draten
INT UCH US CH La Vigie Star of Draten
La'sambelles Whirlwind
La-Comix Abbas Dancing Queen f.1990
La-Comix Attractive Good Looking f.1990
La-Comix Be Borne Out By Events f.1990
La-Comix Bone of Contention f.1990
La-Comix Browny Jr S Bogy Team f.1990
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH La-Comix Call Atention to Me f.1990
La-Comix Capable to Everything f.1990
La-Comix Cool As A Cucumber f.1990
La-Comix Count Me In f.1990
La-Comix Dancing in The Dark f.1991
La-Comix Dandifield Delusion f.1991
La-Comix Disregard The Competiton f.1991
La-Comix Dynamic Duchess f.1991
La-Comix Eagle Has Landed f.1991
SE UCH NO UCH La-Comix Effective Lady Killer f.1991
SE UCH La-Comix Enjoyable Evning Affair f.1991
La-Comix Fancy Dress For Success f.1992
La-Comix Fanny Moor f.1992
La-Comix Favourite Gold Lady f.1992
La-Comix First Tribute to Bew f.1992
La-Comix Furtune Glotton E T f.1992
La-Comix Gifted With Brain f.1992
La-Comix Glorious Groovy f.1992
La-Comix Good For Nothing f.1992
La-Comix Good Looking Charm f.1992
La-Comix Happy Golucky Browndresser f.1993
La-Comix Hard Hittingharmonic Ronja f.1993
SE UCH NO UCH La-Comix Heartbreaking Heavensent Z f.1993
SE UCH La-Comix I'm A Bird Fancier f.1993
La-Comix I'm The Glamoures Intentio f.1993
La-Comix Icing On The Cake f.1993
La-Comix Indiana Treasure Hunter f.1993
La-Comix Irrestible Ice Princess f.1993
SE UCH La-Comix Jonny Be Good f.1994
La-Comix Judy Garland f.1994
La-Comix Jumping Jack Flash f.1994
La-Comix Just A Hunter f.1994
La-Comix Just A Wrangler f.1994
La-Comix Just in Time f.1994
La-Comix Kelly Girl f.1994
La-Comix King Cassanova f.1994
La-Comix Kooper Angel f.1994
La-Comix Lancer f.2003
La-Comix Leroy f.2007
La-Comix Letter of Love f.1995
La-Comix Lincholn f.2003
La-Comix Liston f.2003
La-Comix Little Jou f.2004
La-Comix Loretta f.2003
La-Comix Lovely Blondie f.1995
LPI SE UCH SE JCH La-Comix Lovely Little Beauty Girl f.1995
La-Comix Lucky Lady f.1995
La-Comix Lucky Looke f.2003
La-Comix Magic Maker f.1995
La-Comix Maximum Effect f.1995
La-Comix Midnight Dream f.1995
La-Comix Midnight Special f.1995
La-Comix Never Say Die f.1996
La-Comix Nice Looking Night Wind f.1996
La-Comix Noble Minded Nina Ricci f.1996
SE UCH La-Comix Note of Interrogation f.1996
La-Comix Old Fashioned Lady Jane f.1996
La-Comix On Your Maind f.1996
SE UCH La-Comix One Man Show f.1996
La-Comix Peppermint Patty f.1997
SE UCH La-Comix Perry Maison f.1997
La-Comix Piece of My Heart f.1997
La-Comix Piece of The Rock f.1997
La-Comix Point in Time f.1997
La-Comix Pretty Woman f.1997
La-Comix Prince Charming f.1997
La-Comix Prince Oliver f.1997
La-Comix Quarter Back f.1997
La-Comix Quarter Master f.1997
La-Comix Queenlike Rose of The Year f.1997
La-Comix Quick Change Artist f.1997
La-Comix Quick Witted Boy f.1997
La-Comix Qvick Silver Fashion Man f.1997
La-Comix Ragtime Cowboy f.1998
La-Comix Red Baron f.1998
La-Comix Roadrunner Bip Bip f.1998
La-Comix She's Got The Look f.1998
La-Comix She's The One f.1998
La-Comix Slap-Happy Slip of A Girl f.1998
La-Comix Starlight Express f.1998
La-Comix Take A Chance On Mé f.1998
La-Comix That's It Fancy Face f.1998
La-Comix Tin-Tin f.1998
La-Comix Tina Turner f.1998
La-Comix Triple Delight f.1998
La-Comix Unika Unika f.1999
La-Comix Ursula Andres f.1999
La-Comix Ustinov f.1999
La-Comix Very Good Lock f.1999
La-Comix Victors Vote f.1999
La-Comix Victory Dream f.1999
La-Comix Virginia f.1999
La-Comix Voice of The Year f.1999
La-Comix Wheel of Fortune f.1999
La-Comix Wind Song f.1999
La-Comix Winterwhite f.1999
La-Comix Winterwood f.1999
La-Comix Woody Boy f.1999
La-Comix Xtra-Rambling Rose f.2000
La-Comix Xtra-Special Blend f.2000
La-Comix Xtra-Straight Flush f.2000
La-Comix Xtra-Xtrema f.2000
La-Comix Yankee Girl f.2001
La-Comix Yes It's Me f.2001
La-Comix Zenita Black Magic f.2001
La-Comix Zinderella A Rockefeller f.2001
La-Comix Zorro The Magic Man f.2001
La-Faja's Chill Out f.2005
NORD UCH La-Faja's Delaware f.2007
La-Faja's Fix You f.2010
La-Faja's Standing Ovation f.2000
La-Faja's Truly Adored f.2004
SE U(U)CH NO UCH FI UCH La-Faja's Truly Madly Deeply f.2004
DK UCH US CH La-Shay's Dennis The Menace f.1989
Lab Marrone's Everlight Ella f.2007
Lab Marrone's Everlight Elton f.2007
Lab Marrone's Everlight Elvira f.2007
Lab Marrone's Everlight Emma f.2007
Lab Marrone's Everlight Eric f.2007
Lab Marrone's Everlight Ester f.2007
Lab Marrone's Gucci Good f.2008
Lab Marrone's Indian Black Hawk f.2010
Lab Marrone's Indian Black Kettle f.2010
Lab Marrone's Indian Brave Bear f.2010
Lab Marrone's Indian Red Cloud f.2010
Lab Marrone's Kahira f.2011
Lab Marrone's Kalahari f.2011
Lab Marrone's Kandahar f.2011
Lab Marrone's Kashmir f.2011
Lab Marrone's Kleopatra f.2011
Laban f.2008
US CH Labaron's Desert Eyes
US CH Labaron's Sugarfoot
Labb-Hamras Tralla f.2018
Labb-Hamras Trilla f.2018
Labb-Hamras Trolla f.2018
Labb-Hamras Truls f.2018
Labb-Hamras Trulsa f.2018
Labelle f.1993
Labolina f.1992
Lacaraise f.1992
Lace Collar Iz Mazhornogo Lada f.2019
US CH Lacie's Basic Black
Lacie's Basic Black
Ladievette f.1985
Lady f.1976
Lady f.1979
Lady f.1980
Lady f.1994
Lady f.1978
Lady f.1987
Lady f.1984
Lady Buffy Royal
Lady Gayrob Nan
Lady Moondack
Lady Peaches Royal
Lady Priscilla of Sanroc
Lady Sue Sand
Lady-Boom's Creme-Caramel f.1992
Lady-Boom's Fat-Mamy-Brown f.1992
Lady-Boom's Fine-Ferdinand f.1992
Lady-Boom's James-Gold-Jr f.1993
Lady-Boom's Miss-Peach-Pie f.1993
Lady-Boom's My-True-Love f.1992
Lady-Boom's Piece-Of-Cake f.1992
Lady-Boom's Prestige-Elite f.1992
Lady-Boom's Prince-Of-Tale f.1993
Lady-Boom's Stay-On-Top f.1993
Lady-Boom's Yankee-Queen f.1993
Lady-Corvette f.1982
Lady-Dee f.1995
Lady-Di f.1991
Lady-Donna f.1978
Lady-Filippa f.1976
Lady-In-White f.2007
Lady-Killer f.1979
Lady-Linda-Lee f.1981
Lady-Lindén f.1989
Lady-Love f.1976
Lady-Messalina f.1979
Lady-Of-Harley f.2011
Lady-Queen f.1983
LP Lady-Sex f.1988
SE U(U)CH EE CH FI UCH Ladyamris Black Magic Pearl f.2009
Ladyamris Blue Moon f.2015
Ladyamris Bright Jupiter f.2015
Ladyamris Charming Venus f.2015
Ladyamris Fairy Galax f.2015
Ladyamris Gibson Starquality at Rm f.2011
Ladyamris Glittering Gold f.2009
Ladyamris Glittering Show f.2014
Ladyamris Glittering Star f.2015
Ladyamris Golden Show f.2014
Ladyamris Magic Glow f.2014
Ladyamris Magic Love f.2014
Ladyamris Pure Sterling Silver f.2009
Ladyamris Shimmering Star Ruby f.2009
Ladyamris Shining Milky Way f.2015
Ladyamris Show Magic Moment f.2013
Ladyamris Show Magic Together f.2013
Ladyamris Show Them Magic f.2013
Ladyamris Snow Magic Pearl f.2014
Ladyamris Sparkling Diamond f.2009
Ladyamris Star Class Fender f.2011
Ladyamris Tuscany Starlight f.2011
Ladyamris Will Show Magic f.2013
Ladydee f.1981
Lae and Dunmorr's Sharpshooter
Lae N Dunmorr's Chocolate Kiss
Lae's Daytime Deva
Lafayette-Moon f.1981
US CH Lagerstroem's Cronus
Lagforsgårdens Afrodite f.1986
Lagforsgårdens Alexis f.1986
Lagforsgårdens Amadeus f.1986
Lagforsgårdens Arabella f.1986
Laika f.2008
CA CH Laird's Astrid
Laird's Urd
Laird's Zauberer
Laird's Zauberstab
Lajka f.2015
Lakris f.2005
Lakrits f.2013
US CH Lamar's Barrister
Lamar's Montana
Lancelot f.2007
US CH Lancer's Essence of Magic
US CH Lancer's Essence of Magic
US CH Lancer's Hear No Evil
US CH Lancer's Hear No Evil
US CH Lanebrooks Bittersweet
US CH Lanel's Rinky Dink's M and M
Largo Winch Ofanamerichacolordreams f.2015
Laring's Brown Kwinnyboy
US CH Larmaro's Aiming For The Gold
US CH Larmaro's Ashley of Candelle
US CH Larmaro's Handsome Dancer
Larmaro's Kebec Cancan Dancer
US CH Larmaro's Mad About You
IL CH Larmaro's Norlys Jordane
US CH Larmaros Lurians Majestic Gold
Lasanjet f.1981
Laser Beam f.2017
Last Joint Moser Dog
Lastrad of Draten
Late Party Iz Mazhornogo f.2019
Latino Americano Deigini f.2016
Laura f.1982
US CH Laurent's Nevertheless
US CH Lauribel's Autumn Haze
US CH Lauribel's Firecracker
US CH Lauribel's Heir to The Throne
US CH Laurim's Command Performance
US CH Laurim's Star Performance
US CH Laurim's Tri Performance
INT UCH LU CH BE CH US CH Laurim's White Tail
US CH Laurims Super Star
US CH Laurjosh N'rotojet's Rue La La f.2021
Lavarose Full of Jokes f.2009
Lavarose Full of Joy f.2009
Lavarose Full of Life f.2009
Lavigie Look Like Star of Draten
Layde f.1978
INT UCH LU CH MC CH Layton For Very Vigie
Layton Georgianne
Layton I Get The Prize
Layton Indigo Print
MC CH Layton Kissing Kate f.2006
Layton Made in Genaro
SE U(U)CH DK UCH Layton Quote Me f.2009
LV CH LT CH C.I.B. FI UCH Layton Ready Steady Go f.2009
Layton Reprint
Lazie f.1985
Lazy-Lady f.1999
Lazzi Black Boss f.2007
Lazzi Blade Runner f.2007
Lazzi Bonito f.2006
Lazzi Casper f.2006
Lazzi Chere Annie f.2008
Lazzi Chester f.2006
Lazzi Fridolin f.2006
Lazzi Gold Smith f.2007
Lazzi I Am The Boss f.2006
Lazzi Ice Man f.2006
Lazzi Jack O'the Green f.2007
Lazzi Legenda f.2007
Lazzi Micada f.2007
Lazzi Miller f.2006
Lazzi Miss Dolly f.2008
Lazzi Miss Zilk f.2007
Lazzi Miss Zilk f.2008
Lazzi Newton f.2006
Lazzi Pretty Lady f.2007
Lazzi Prince f.2006
Lazzi Princess Lily f.2007
Lazzi Rex f.2006
Lazzi Rio f.2006
Lazzi Secret Boy f.2008
Lazzi Secret Miss f.2008
Lazzi Snow Man f.2006
Lazzi Truly Pretty Princess f.2007
Lazzi Zilk N' Zatin f.2008
SK CH RS CH C.I.B. LU CH US CH NL CH Lcjems Runnin On Empty
Leavenworth Fancygoods
FI UCH Leavenworth Joybells
Leavenworth Livingdoll f.1975
NO UCH Leavenworth The Hill Flower
Leavenworth The Holy Rose
Leavenworth The Lazy Little Susan
Leavenworth Wallflower
Lebima's Afrodite f.2004
Lebima's All I Want Is You f.2013
Lebima's Amazing Queen f.2013
Lebima's Andante f.1999
Lebima's Black Sky f.2005
Lebima's Bonfire f.2000
Lebima's Bravehart f.2008
Lebima's Bright Man f.2008
Lebima's Bright Star f.2008
Lebima's Butterfly Flip f.2000
Lebima's Butterfly Man f.2003
Lebima's Cassandra f.2012
Lebima's Cindirella f.2000
Lebima's Cortina f.2007
Lebima's Crawford Junior f.1998
Lebima's Crown Viktoria f.2007
Lebima's Dancing Queen f.1998
Lebima's Dark Angel f.1999
SE VCH Lebima's Diamond Girl f.2002
Lebima's Do You Want Me f.2000
Lebima's Evening Star f.2008
Lebima's Fatima f.1999
Lebima's Fernando f.1999
Lebima's Ferro f.2000
Lebima's Flower of Love f.2008
Lebima's Flying Without Wings f.2002
Lebima's Formula One f.2006
Lebima's Giant Diablo f.2009
Lebima's Giant Superman f.2009
Lebima's Go For The Gold f.2009
Lebima's Go Man Go f.1997
Lebima's Golden Boy f.2002
Lebima's Golden Eye f.2008
Lebima's Happy For You f.2006
Lebima's I Believe in You f.2013
Lebima's I Did It Again f.2000
SE VCH Lebima's I Do It For You f.2000
Lebima's I Feel For You f.2000
Lebima's I Have A Dream f.2002
Lebima's I Love You For Ever f.2000
Lebima's I Turn to You f.2000
Lebima's I Will Follow You f.2000
Lebima's I Will Remember You f.2000
Lebima's I'm The King f.2006
Lebima's Indian Silver f.2009
Lebima's Jeanne D'arc f.2004
Lebima's Julia The Prinsess f.2004
Lebima's Kvick Step f.1999
Lebima's Lady Black f.1997
Lebima's Lady Stardust f.2003
Lebima's Let Me Love You f.2000
Lebima's Like A Dream f.1998
Lebima's Little Ladybag f.2009
Lebima's Love Star f.2008
Lebima's Lucky Dream f.2008
Lebima's Lucky Star f.2008
Lebima's Man From The Jungle f.2003
Lebima's Man From The Moon f.2003
Lebima's Mandy f.2002
Lebima's Marie Curie f.2004
Lebima's Maverick f.2007
Lebima's Mc Kanse f.2002
Lebima's Miss Stardust f.2003
Lebima's Morning Star f.2008
Lebima's Mr Dragonfly f.2009
Lebima's Mr Sharpshooter f.2009
Lebima's My Boy Loly Pop f.1998
Lebima's Now I'm Following Me f.2011
Lebima's Number One f.1997
Lebima's One More Chance f.2011
Lebima's Otterango f.2000
Lebima's Perfekt Style f.2008
Lebima's Pretty Woman f.1999
Lebima's Prinsess of Thess f.2004
Lebima's Queen Ann f.2006
SE U(U)CH Lebima's Queen Cleopatra f.2004
Lebima's Queen Ida f.1999
Lebima's Queen Mary f.2004
Lebima's Queen of Butterflies f.2009
SE U(U)CH Lebima's Queen of My Heart f.2002
Lebima's Queen of The Night f.2003
Lebima's Revolution f.2005
Lebima's Right Here Right Now f.2013
Lebima's Rock and Roll f.1999
Lebima's Rock Me f.2012
Lebima's Rusty f.2000
Lebima's She Is A Diamond f.2011
Lebima's Show Solid Gold Queen f.2006
Lebima's Silver King f.2002
Lebima's Silver Star f.2002
Lebima's Skyliner f.2007
Lebima's Somebody Needs You f.2002
Lebima's Something to Remember f.2011
Lebima's Sunliner f.2007
Lebima's Super Star f.2005
Lebima's Super Trouper f.1999
Lebima's Superman f.2006
Lebima's Sweet Head f.2003
Lebima's Sweet Suprice f.2003
Lebima's Sweet Thess f.2003
Lebima's Take A Cance On Me f.2012
Lebima's Tango Boy f.1999
Lebima's The Black King f.2011
Lebima's The Black Knight f.2011
Lebima's The Black Lord f.2011
Lebima's The Black Prince f.2011
Lebima's The Black Queen f.2011
Lebima's The Black Star f.2011
Lebima's The Black Winner f.1997
Lebima's The Prince f.2006
Lebima's Thrust My Step f.2003
Lebima's Thunderbird f.2007
Lebima's Tiffany f.2002
Lebima's Time to Say Hello Dana's f.2012
Lebima's to Be Loved f.2002
Lebima's Vedette f.2007
Lebima's Where's The Party f.2011
Lebima's White Foot f.1997
SE U(U)CH Lebima's Windstar f.2007
Lebima's You Are My Heart f.2000
Lebima's Ziggy Stardust f.2003
LT&LV CH Ledi Diamon Light
Leeos Marilyn Moonrose Buff Lady f.1976
Leeos Minette Buff Lady f.1976
Leeos Mirelle Buff Lady f.1976
Leeos Mirja Buff Lady f.1976
Leeos Mr Mac Buff Jankee f.1976
Leeos Mr Mad Red Jankee f.1976
Leeos Nanette Buff Lady f.1977
Leeos Naughty Buff Jankee f.1977
Leeos Navigate Buff Lady f.1977
Leeos Nobbi Buff Jankee f.1977
Leeos Pearl Buff Lady f.1978
Leeos Play-Boy Red Yankee f.1978
Leeos Pride Buff Yankee f.1978
Leeos Princess Buff Lady f.1978
Leeos Pursy Buff Yankee f.1978
Leeos Quick Runner Buff Yankee f.1979
Leeos Quras Buff Yankee f.1979
AU CH Legacee's American Dreamer
US CH Legacee's Major Quest
AU CH US CH Legacee's Secretly Obsessed
SE U(U)CH AU CH US CH Legacee's Secretly Obsessed f.2001
Legacee's Superlative f.2002
Legend A Parti to Remember
Legend Barney Rubbley
Legend Blue Suede Shoes
Legend Color Scheme
Legend Darth Vader
Legend Darth Vader
US CH Legend Elmer Fudge
US CH Legend Parti Delite
US CH Legend Parti Girl
Legend Peter Pan
US CH Legend Ragtime Spike Jones
Legend Rona Lisa
US CH Legend Simply Smashing
Legend What No Parti
Legend What No Parti
US CH Legend Wheres The Parti
RU CH Legi Artis Midzhem Heppi
Legi Artis Wish to Live Forever
Lei Cro's Yankee Eliza
Leicocks Buff Saint Marie
Leicro's Yankee Bang Away f.1974
Leicro's Yankee Beautiful Morning f.1974
Leicro's Yankee Brings You Luck f.1974
Leicro's Yankee Dedicated to You f.1975
Leicro's Yankee Double Tomahawk f.1975
Leicro's Yankee For Ever My Love f.1975
Leicro's Yankee Funny Tan Girl
Leicro's Yankee Funny Tri Man f.1975
Leicro's Yankee Ghosthunter f.1975
Leicro's Yankee Ghostraider f.1975
Leicro's Yankee Give You Nightmares f.1975
Leicro's Yankee Gone With The Wind f.1975
Leicro's Yankee Handsome Tan Man f.1977
Leicro's Yankee Hanky-Panky f.1977
Leicro's Yankee Harum-Scarum f.1977
Leicro's Yankee Heart Breaker f.1977
Leicro's Yankee Helter-Skelter f.1977
Leicro's Yankee Hold Me Tight f.1977
Leilani's Am.annie Get Your Gun f.1976
Lejdy f.1983
Lelica's Bit By Bit f.1988
Lelica's Flip Flap'n Fly f.1988
Lelica's Fluff'n Stuff f.1988
Lelica's Fox'n Geese f.1988
Lelica's Justlikeawoman f.1982
Lelica's Like A Shot f.1985
Lelica's Like Pure Gold f.1985
Lelica's Little Bit More f.1985
Lelica's Little-Big-Man f.1984
Lelica's Liza-Marie f.1984
Lelica's Look Me Over f.1985
Lelica's Look-Out f.1984
Lelica's Lookoflove f.1983
Lelica's Looktwice f.1984
Lelica's Lots of Magic f.1985
Lelica's Lovepoint f.1984
Lelica's One More Try f.1988
Lelica's Pointblanc f.1984
Lelica's Pride'n Joy f.1988
Lelica's Touch'n Go f.1988
Lelica's Womaninlove f.1982
Lena-Horn f.1976
Lends Kapriz Art to Win f.2009
Lends Kapriz Candle On The Wind
RU CH Lends Kapriz Chocoladnaya Fantasia
Lenita f.1984
Lenni f.1977
Leo f.2021
Leontida f.1985
Leopold-Areo f.1983
Lergöksgårdens Dixie
Lergöksgårdens Early Morning Star
Lesley f.1995
Leslie f.1990
RU CH Letjashaja Ptitsa Black Currant f.2006
Letjashaja Ptitsa Blueberry Sweety f.2006
Letjashaja Ptitsa Genuine Atomic To
RU CH Letjashaja Ptitsa Kiss Me Past Good f.2005
RU CH Letjashaja Ptitsa Lioness
CH Letjashaja Ptitsa Magnetik Forest G
CH Letjashaja Ptitsa Rara Avis
Lewisias Aimy f.1998
Lewisias Anya f.1998
Lewisias Ariel f.1998
Lewisias Asterix f.1998
Lewisias Baby Doll f.2002
Lewisias Bella Donna f.2000
Lewisias Bettys-Baby f.1993
Lewisias Big Ben f.2000
Lewisias Big-Bear-Baloo f.1993
SE VCH Lewisias Blossom-Beauty f.1993
Lewisias Bobbys-Bounty f.1993
Lewisias Bonanza f.2000
Lewisias Botanic Bow-Wow f.2000
Lewisias Broken Arrow f.2000
Lewisias Bubble-Bride f.1993
Lewisias Bumble Bee f.2000
Lewisias Cappuccino f.2001
Lewisias Chartreuse f.2001
Lewisias Coca Cola f.2001
Lewisias Cocktail f.2001
Lewisias Coffee f.2001
Lewisias Cosmonova f.1997
Lewisias Cosmos f.1997
Lewisias Cura Cao f.2001
Lewisias Diggi-Ley f.2002
Lewisias Diggi-Loo f.2002
Lewisias Dress Man f.2002
Lewisias Galaxy f.1997
Lewisias Hale-Bop f.1997
Lewisias Luckystar f.1997
Lewisias Moonraker f.1997
Lewisias Spaceman f.1997
Leya f.2015
Lhasatorps I-Am f.1986
Lhasatorps I-Am-Funny f.1986
Lhasatorps I-Love-You f.1986
Lhasatorps It's-Deligate f.1986
Lhasatorps It's-Please f.1986
Li Be Ma's A Dancing Queen f.1992
Li Be Ma's A Little Big Man f.1992
Li Be Ma's A Star Is Born f.1992
Libra f.1984
Lichstone Bellamaria
Licom's Access f.1988
Licom's Akina f.1988
Licom's Ami f.1988
Licom's Amris f.1988
Licom's Arrow f.1988
Liecocks Beauty Buff f.1978
Liecocks Beauty Rose f.1978
Liecocks Black Opal f.1979
Liecocks Black Prinsess
Liecocks Camelot Queen f.1977
Liecocks Central Girl f.1977
Liecocks Chris Barber f.1977
Liecocks Clementin f.1977
Liecocks Clever Max f.1977
Liecocks Elixir Elit f.1977
Liecocks Emil f.1977
Liecocks Empress Eye f.1977
Liecocks Evil Eagle f.1977
Liecocks Great Black f.1978
Liecocks Lindy Loo f.1976
Liecocks Litter Rose f.1978
Liecocks Red and White f.1978
Liecocks Silver Shadow f.1972
Light Dream's Adonis f.2006
Light Dream's Adrienne f.2022
Light Dream's Afrodite f.2006
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Light Dream's Amicock Beach Boy f.2010
Light Dream's Angel Eyes f.2017
Light Dream's Anteros f.2006
Light Dream's Attractive-Limes f.1988
Light Dream's Baby in Black f.2009
Light Dream's Back in Business f.2011
Light Dream's Black Magic f.2010
Light Dream's Bring It On f.2014
Light Dream's Buddy Holly f.2020
Light Dream's Burn Baby Burn f.2012
Light Dream's Caci Loves Diesel f.2007
Light Dream's Candy Crush f.2014
Light Dream's Cassandra f.2017
Light Dream's Cast A Spell f.2010
Light Dream's Catch By Surprise f.2018
Light Dream's Catching Fire f.2014
Light Dream's Celebration f.2011
Light Dream's Chocolate Desire f.2012
Light Dream's Copacabana f.2010
Light Dream's Devil in Desquise f.2007
Light Dream's Dizzy Miss Lizzy f.2009
Light Dream's Dream Into Action f.1988
Light Dream's Dressed For Party f.2009
Light Dream's Dressed For Succes f.2007
Light Dream's Dressed in Dior f.2007
Light Dream's Eleonora f.2022
Light Dream's Elvira Madigan f.1998
Light Dream's Enchanted f.2014
Light Dream's Enter Sandman f.1998
SE U(U)CH Light Dream's Eros f.1998
Light Dream's Esmeralda f.1998
Light Dream's Estelle f.2022
Light Dream's Eternal Flame f.1998
Light Dream's Everlasting-Love f.1988
Light Dream's Everybodys Favorit f.1998
C.I.E. RU CH IT CH Light Dream's Express Yourself f.2011
Light Dream's Exquisite Enya f.1998
Light Dream's Fabolous Fairy f.1998
Light Dream's Fabolous Fatima f.1998
Light Dream's Fabolous Felicity f.1998
Light Dream's Fabolous Fidelity f.1998
Light Dream's Fabolous Flash f.1998
Light Dream's Falling in Love f.2008
Light Dream's Fire of Sweden f.2016
Light Dream's Fire With Fire f.2012
Light Dream's Fireworks f.2012
SE U(U)CH FI UCH Light Dream's Forbidden Love f.2011
Light Dream's Gargamel f.1999
SE U(U)CH IT CH Light Dream's Girl On Fire f.2012
Light Dream's Girl On My Mind f.2020
SE AGCH Light Dream's Glamour Girl f.1999
Light Dream's Glory of Love f.1988
Light Dream's Go Go Girl f.1999
Light Dream's Golden Boy f.1999
Light Dream's Gossip Girl f.2010
Light Dream's Gracefull Ginny f.1999
Light Dream's Great Gigolo f.1999
Light Dream's Head Over Heels f.2017
Light Dream's Headline Gossip f.2010
Light Dream's Heavy Gossip f.2010
FI UCH Light Dream's Home Made Design f.2008
Light Dream's Hot Gossip f.2010
Light Dream's Hot'n Red f.2001
Light Dream's Hot-Flash f.2001
Light Dream's Hot-Illusion f.2001
Light Dream's Hot-Sensation f.2001
Light Dream's I'll Be Back f.2009
Light Dream's Incredible Indigo f.2001
Light Dream's Incredible Izak f.2001
Light Dream's Incredible Izodor f.2001
Light Dream's Invaluable Treasure f.2008
SE U(U)CH NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Light Dream's Irresistabl Illusion f.2001
Light Dream's Irresistabl Indra f.2001
Light Dream's Irresistable f.2012
Light Dream's Irresistable Diamond f.2016
Light Dream's Irresistable Estelle f.2012
SE U(U)CH Light Dream's Irresistable Pearl f.2009
Light Dream's Irresistable Shining f.2016
SE U(U)CH FI UCH Light Dream's Jackson f.2001
Light Dream's Jacqueline f.2001
Light Dream's Jasmine f.2001
Light Dream's Join The Party f.2009
Light Dream's Just Like Fire f.2016
Light Dream's Kalimac f.2002
Light Dream's Karmencita f.2002
Light Dream's Katitzi f.2002
Light Dream's Kelvin f.2002
Light Dream's King Edward f.2021
Light Dream's Kleopatra f.2002
SE U(U)CH Light Dream's Krusmynta f.2002
Light Dream's Krysthal f.2002
Light Dream's Lady Diana f.2021
Light Dream's Lancelot f.2002
SE U(U)CH Light Dream's Larizza f.2002
Light Dream's Latest Gossip f.2010
Light Dream's Lay Your Love On Me f.2017
Light Dream's Leonardo f.2002
Light Dream's Leonora f.2002
SE VCH Light Dream's Lets Party f.2012
Light Dream's Lizette f.2002
Light Dream's Lorenzo f.2002
Light Dream's Madonna f.2002
Light Dream's Magic Spell f.2010
Light Dream's Magic-Touch f.1987
Light Dream's Man Eater f.1987
Light Dream's Marilyn Monroe f.2002
SE U(U)CH C.I.B. FI UCH NORD V-13 Light Dream's Material Girl f.2011
Light Dream's Midnight Express f.2008
Light Dream's Miracle of Love f.1987
Light Dream's Missionary Man f.1987
Light Dream's Mr Irresistable f.2016
Light Dream's Mr Miro f.1987
Light Dream's My Fair Lady f.2008
Light Dream's Nalle Puh f.2003
Light Dream's Nemo f.2003
Light Dream's Neptun f.2003
Light Dream's New-Attraction f.1988
Light Dream's Northern Star f.2010
Light Dream's Nova f.2003
Light Dream's One of A Kind f.2017
Light Dream's Oregon f.2004
Light Dream's Orpheus f.2004
SE U(U)CH C.I.B. NO UCH FI UCH Light Dream's Othello f.2004
Light Dream's Paparazzi f.2004
Light Dream's Party Crasher f.2012
Light Dream's Party Pearl f.2012
Light Dream's Party Player f.2009
Light Dream's Party Time f.2012
Light Dream's Pavarotti f.2004
Light Dream's Peggy Sue f.2004
Light Dream's Peggy-Sue f.2020
SE U(U)CH C.I.B. FI UCH Light Dream's Penny Lane f.2004
Light Dream's Playing With Fire f.2012
Light Dream's Pop-Up f.2004
Light Dream's Pretty Girl in Prada f.2007
Light Dream's Prince William f.2021
Light Dream's Prins Harry f.2021
Light Dream's Revolution f.2009
Light Dream's Robocop f.2004
Light Dream's Rockstar f.2004
Light Dream's Rowena f.2004
Light Dream's Rule Model f.2004
Light Dream's Set Me On Fire f.2016
Light Dream's Shadows in The Night f.2004
Light Dream's She's On Fire f.2012
Light Dream's Show Me Love f.2016
Light Dream's Show Stopper f.2016
Light Dream's Showman f.2016
Light Dream's Simply Irresistabl f.2004
Light Dream's Sitting Bull f.2004
Light Dream's Space Girl f.2004
Light Dream's Special Blend f.2016
Light Dream's Special Design f.2004
Light Dream's Special Edition f.2008
Light Dream's Start of Fire f.2012
Light Dream's Stole The Show f.2016
Light Dream's Super Trouper f.2017
SE U(U)CH Light Dream's Supernatural f.2004
Light Dream's Sweet-Insperation f.1986
Light Dream's Sweet-Secret f.1986
Light Dream's Take A Chance On Me f.2017
Light Dream's Taken By Surprise f.2018
Light Dream's Talk About Gossip f.2010
Light Dream's Talk About Party f.2012
Light Dream's Talk About Surprise f.2018
Light Dream's Talk of The Town f.2005
Light Dream's Texas Cowboy f.1996
Light Dream's Texas Gambler f.1996
Light Dream's Texas Girl f.1996
Light Dream's Texas Glamour f.1996
LPI LPII Light Dream's Texas Ranger f.1996
Light Dream's Texas Rose f.1996
Light Dream's The Charmed One f.2010
Light Dream's The Tribute f.2005
Light Dream's to Much Talk f.2005
Light Dream's Top Model f.2005
Light Dream's Unbelievable f.2005
Light Dream's Unbreakable f.2005
SE U(U)CH DK V-09 C.I.B. DK UCH Light Dream's Unforgottable f.2005
SE U(U)CH Light Dream's Veni Vidi Vici f.2005
Light Dream's Victor f.2005
Light Dream's Victoria f.2005
Light Dream's Vincent f.2005
Light Dream's Virginia f.2005
Light Dream's Voulez Vous f.2017
Light Dream's Walk On Fire f.2012
Light Dream's White Lighter f.2010
Light Dream's Wrecking Ball f.2014
Light Dream's Wyoming f.2005
Light Dream's X-Clusive f.2006
Light Dream's X-Tra X-Tra f.2006
Light Dream's Xenia f.2006
Light Dream's Ylva-Li f.2006
Light Dream's Yoyfull Friend f.2006
Light Dream's Yves Saint Laurent f.2006
Light Dream's Zuper Zebbe f.2006
Light Dream's Zuperman f.2006
Light Dream's Zuperstar f.2006
Light&dark's Alexander Harlex f.2017
Light&dark's Andrew f.2019
SE VCH Light&dark's Aprikola f.2017
SE U(U)CH Light&dark's Chattanooga Sunshine f.2021
Light&dark's Dorian f.2019
Light&dark's Good Luck Charm f.2015
Light&dark's Harvey f.2019
Light&dark's Heavens Dream f.2024
Light&dark's Hello Sunshine f.2024
Light&dark's Here I Come f.2024
Light&dark's Hold Me Close f.2024
Light&dark's Kathrina f.2019
Light&dark's Kordes Aloha f.2017
Light&dark's Lady Luck f.2018
Light&dark's Lady of Shalott f.2017
Light&dark's Let It Be Me f.2018
Light&dark's Lewis f.2018
Light&dark's Lexington Honeypie f.2021
Light&dark's Lloyd f.2018
Light&dark's Logan f.2018
Light&dark's Love Me f.2015
Light&dark's Love Me Tender f.2015
Light&dark's Lover Doll f.2015
Light&dark's Loving You f.2015
Light&dark's Lumiheir f.2018
Light&dark's Memphis Sweetheart f.2021
Light&dark's Mitch f.2019
Light&dark's Nashville Belle f.2021
Light&dark's Pat Austin f.2017
Light&dark's Piccolo f.2017
Light&dark's Such A Night f.2015
Light-My-Fire f.1977
Light-My-Love f.1978
Light-O' Luv f.1973
Like-A-Fiddle f.2004
Like-Alady f.1994
Lil People's Back in Action
NO UCH Lill-Blacki
Lilla-My f.1976
Lillan f.2008
Lilldu's My First Angel f.2005
Lilldu's My First Dream f.2005
Lilldu's My First Fighter f.2005
Lilldu's My First Love f.2005
Lille-John f.1983
Lillebror f.2003
Lilli f.1994
Lilli f.1977
Limadas Captivite f.1993
Limadas Cheer f.1993
Limadas Christmas Gift f.1993
Limfjordens Black Buffeline
Lina f.1992
Lina f.1979
Linda f.1984
Linda-Lou f.1985
Lindblom f.1981
Link's Lamarr-Velous
US CH Link's Lash-To-Beware
Links Black Magic
Links Bubble Trouble
Links Landscape-Spook
Links Lily Marlene
Links Lineage-To-Tell
DE&VDH CH INT UCH LU CH NL CH Links'lemon-Obsession
Linus f.1983
Linus f.1978
Linus f.1997
Linus f.1992
Linus f.1977
Linus f.1976
Linus f.1985
Linus f.2012
Linway's Bittersweet Chuntney
US CH Linway's Idol Rich
Linway's Jazz Touch
Linway's Last Dance
Linway's Mary Hart
Linway's Maximillion f.1992
US CH Linway's Michael J
Lipiertus Monsieur Gaston f.1998
Liplertus Josefine
US CH Lipton's Coal Miner
US CH Lipton's Crepe-De-Chine
Lipton's Endless Love
DK UCH FI UCH INT UCH US CH CA CH Lipton's Just Another Knight
DK UCH Lipton's Louie Louie
Lipton's Made The American Way
Lipton's Moulin Rouge
NO UCH Lipton's P F Flyer f.1983
Lipton's Polly Esther
Lipton's Positively Pale
US CH Lipton's Proof Positive
Lipton's Silk-De-Chine
US CH Lipton's T S Eliot
US CH Liptons's Cruisin' For A Bruisin'
Lire-Bird-Hill f.1986
Lisa f.1992
Lisa f.1997
Lisa f.1994
Lisa f.2008
Lisa f.1997
Lisslindas Lucia f.2012
Litel-Angel f.2011
FI UCH Little Life Eternal Rose f.2003
FI UCH Little Life Eye On Me f.2003
Little Life French Kiss f.2004
SE U(U)CH FI UCH Little Life Golden Eye f.2003
Little Life Hot to Handle f.2005
Little Life Ice Kiss f.2006
SE U(U)CH FI UCH Little Life Key to Majestic f.2007
Little Life One Secret Love
LT&LV CH EE CH C.I.B. FI UCH Little Life Really Royal Dynasty
EE CH FI UCH Little Life Really Thrilling Me f.2012
FI UCH Little Life U Keep The Secret
Little-Blazer f.1989
Little-Lucy f.1981
Little-Pepita f.1992
Livia f.1991
CH Livin La Vida Loca Fly Mystery
Liza-Minelli f.1991
Lizette f.1985
Lizzie f.1982
Lizzona f.1986
Loafing-Snooper of Doggline
Lobb f.1977
Loch Lomond's Paint The Water
US CH Loch Lomond's River Dance
Lochnell Hotshot
Lochrana Sno Secret
Lochranza Charmaine
Lochranza Did You Ever
US CH Lochranza Evdon's Escort
FI UCH Lochranza Flirtation
Lochranza Here I Am
Lochranza Jolly Roger
Lochranza Merryborne Notice Me
Lochranza Miss B'haven
Lochranza Pinefair Precise
FI UCH INT UCH Lochranza Rise N Shine
Lochranza Shine On
Lochranza Sno Secret
Lochranza Someone Special f.1975
Lochranza Squiers Calico Perfection
Lochranza Sugar Baby
GB SHCH Lochranza Sweet Someone
Lochranza Touch of Tan
Lochranza Toute Sweet f.1972
Loffe f.1981
Lolita f.1984
Lolli-Pop f.1980
Lollipop f.1991
Lollipop f.2010
SE UCH Lollos Black Big Boy f.1978
SE UCH NO UCH Lollos Black Bunny Boy f.1978
NO UCH Lollos Black Jidji f.1978
Lollos Golden Alexandra f.1975
Lollos Golden Anoschka f.1975
Lollos Golden Brandy Boy f.1978
Look Like A Star of Draten
Lopo f.1987
Loptie Love f.1973
US CH Lorand Limited Edition
Loranga f.2014
Lord f.1995
Lord f.1976
Lord f.1979
Lord f.1984
Lord Danny's Detroit Rock City f.2007
Lord Danny's Echo Chamber f.2007
Lord Danny's Hard Luck Woman f.2007
Lord Danny's Hey Kwanongoma f.2007
Lord Danny's Hotter Than Hell f.2007
Lord Danny's Jay Surrender f.2007
Lord Danny's Love Gun f.2007
Lord Danny's New York Groove f.2007
Lord Danny's Patchouli f.2007
Lord Danny's Shout It Out Loud f.2007
Lord Danny's The Worrying Kind f.2007
Lord Danny's What's Up f.2007
Lord Danny's Whatch Out f.2007
Lord Danny's Why Not f.2007
Lord Nelson's Alfons f.2024
Lord Nelson's Alice f.2024
Lord Nelson's Astrid f.2024
Lord Nelson's Kajsa f.2024
Lord Nelson's Swftie f.2024
Lord of The Rings f.2012
Lord-Cortioche f.1979
Lord-Leon-Moon f.1981
Lorihil's Fan The Flame
US CH Lorihill Catch The Flame
NORD JV-15 Loris Azzaro Pajaz of Anamericha Co f.2015
Lorli Gigi
US CH Lorli Kidder's Koko Kid
Lotta f.1980
Lotta f.1977
Louis f.2013
Louis Armstrong f.1974
Louis-Dor-Moon f.1981
Love Cox's Born to Love You f.1997
Love Cox's Forever My Choice f.1997
Love Cox's Mad About Chocolate f.1997
Love Cox's Neverending Love f.1997
Love-Me-Tender f.1985
Love-Story f.1981
Lovebumps Blackjack f.2016
SE U(U)CH DK UCH NO UCH FI UCH C.I.B.-J Lovebumps Cover My Dreams f.2022
Lovebumps Cover My Heart f.2022
Lovebumps Cover My Love f.2022
Lovebumps Cover My Way f.2022
Lovebumps Cover My World f.2022
Lovebumps Day Dreamer f.2024
Lovebumps Deliver My Dreams f.2024
Lovebumps Double Dare f.2024
Lovebumps Double O'seven f.2024
Lovebumps Dressed For Success f.2024
Lovebumps Esther f.2016
Lovebumps Ghostbuster f.2016
Lovebumps Godzilla f.2016
Lovebumps Loverboy f.2016
Lovebumps Miss Brenda f.2020
Lovebumps Miss Brianna f.2020
Lovebumps Miss Britney f.2020
Lovebumps Mr Bradly f.2020
Lovebumps Mr Brian f.2020
Lovebumps Mr Brook f.2020
Lovebumps Rhapsody f.2016
Loveis-A-Rose f.1985
Lovely Girl f.2009
Lovely-Emerald f.2007
Lovely-Lace f.1999
Lovis f.1985
Lovis f.2015
Ltrend Smoke and Mirrors
Lucas f.1979
Lucas f.1985
Lucas f.1985
Lucas f.1991
Lucas-Archie f.1983
Lucidor f.1985
Lucifer f.1977
Lucky f.2010
Lucky B's Oh How You Sparkle
Lucky-Charm f.1981
Lucky-Charm f.1984
Lucky-Charm f.1979
Lucky-Lou f.1981
Lucky-Lucas f.1999
Lucky-Star f.2011
Lucy f.1978
Ludde f.1983
Ludde f.1997
Ludde f.1985
Ludde f.1977
Ludvig f.1985
Ludwig f.1985
Ludwig f.1996
Ludwig f.1979
Luffen f.1989
Lufsen f.1982
Lufsen f.1983
Lufsen f.1980
Lufsen f.1997
Lufsen's-Ludde f.1991
Luisiana f.1993
Lukas f.1992
Lukas f.1978
Lukas f.1979
Lululabelle f.1984
Lumumba f.1979
Luna f.2003
Luna f.2024
Lundecock's Adonis f.1985
Lundecock's Akilles f.1985
Lundecock's Amadeus f.1985
Lundecock's Amanda f.1985
Lundecock's Annakarin f.1985
Lunsan f.1980
US CH Lurola's Clifton
US CH Lurola's Edward P
US CH Lurola's Gold Plated
US CH Lurola's Last Issue
US CH Lurola's Pegasus
US CH Lurola's Royal Lancer
Lurola's Royal Lancer
Lurola's Sara B
CH Lurolas Lookout
CH Lurolas Lookout
Lusty-Lady f.1985
SE U(U)CH EE CH FI UCH Luxurious Lead The Way f.2001
Luxury Apple Doll Fly Mystery f.2012
US CH Luzana's Look N'tri-If-Fic
Lyckliga Cid f.2008
Lyckliga Dot f.2008
Lyckliga Lille-Man f.2008
Lyckliga Saga f.2007
Lyckliga Zipp f.2008
Lydgate Extreme Makeover f.2006
US CH Lydgate Lady in Red
LU CH US CH Lydgate Latest Issue at Sundust
US CH Lydgate Latin Lover
US CH Lydgate Lawbreaker
US CH Lydgate Leatherstockings
SK CH CZ CH US CH Lydgate Let It Ride
US CH Lydgate Let's Party
INT UCH LU CH AT CH US CH Lydgate Letter of The Law
US CH Lydgate Letter-Perfect
US CH Lydgate License to Kill
Lydgate Limited Edition
Lydgate Lioness
US CH Lydgate Looks So Fine
US CH Lydgate Loud 'n Clear f.2016
Lydgate Raising The Limit f.2006
US CH Lydgate Rise N' Shine
US CH Lydgate's Golden Girl
Lykke f.1979
Lyra f.2005
AU CH Lyrend Believe It Or Not
Lötgårdens Felicia f.1979
Lötgårdens Filippa f.1979
Lötgårdens Q-Bitch f.1982
Lötgårdens Qubert f.1982
Lötgårdens Queen Qubertha f.1982
Lötgårdens Quick Girl f.1982
Lötgårdens Quiet Lady f.1982
Lötgårdens Quintus f.1982
Lötgårdens Quite Al Right f.1982
Lötgårdens Årvar f.1984
Lötgårdens Åskar f.1984
Lötgårdens Åskfågel f.1984
Lötgårdens Ärlando f.1984
Lötgårdens Ärmelie f.1984
Lötgårdens Ärtiga Knutte f.1984
Lötgårdens Ärtiga Märta f.1984