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Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Efter/Sire: SE J(J)CH Willowridge Four Seasons
Undan/Dam: SE J(J)CH Streamlight's Meadows Enya

SE J(J)CH Willowridge Four Seasons (g) Cynhinfa Hamik (s) GB FTCH Fernshot Comet (g) GB FTCH Flashmount Socrates (g) Flashmount Danny
Zephyr Wisker of Flashmount
GB FTCH Millbuies Milly GB FTCH Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead (s)
GB FTCH Morayglen Megan of Millbuies
Ropehall Libra of Cynhinfa (s) GB FTCH Birdbrook Arrow of Craigfelin (s) GB FTCH Tibea Tosh (s)
GB FTCH Purdey of Bonhote of Birdbrook (s)
GB FTCH Garendon Cassie of Ropehall (s) GB FTCH Swinbrook Twig (s)
GB FTCH Munro Tess (s)
Willowridge Two For A Reason (s) SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Justlike Kronprins Frederik (s) Prideline Krispin (s) GB FTCH Rozel Rocket of Tasco (s)
GB FTCH Garendon Ann
SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Moorman's Look Twice (s) SE J(J)CH Justlike Tiger-Woods (s)
SE JCH Moorman's Gentiana (s)
SE J(J)CH Moorman's T Juniper (s) SE J(J)CH Streamlight's Tony Baretta (s) GB FTCH Minstead Morse (s)
SE JCH NORD JCH Searover Fancy Fascination (s)
SE JCH Moorman's Gentiana (s) Shadowbrae Storm (s)
SE JCH Moorman's Blue Saint (s)
SE J(J)CH Streamlight's Meadows Enya (s) C.I.T. Ardmuir Earl (s) GB FTCH Astraglen Hail (s) GB FTCH Levenghyl Peacock (s) GB FTCH Strad Benis (s)
GB FTCH Glenpatrick Eve (s)
Astraglen Kate (s) GB FTCH Dipplelodge Raven of Riversway (s)
GB FTCH Astraglen Brooke (s)
GB FTCH Auka Meadow Rue of Ardmuir (s) Aithness Tarka of Lettermore (s) GB FTCH Lettermore Trout (s)
GB FTCH Stormwatch Farr (g)
Ardmuir Auka (s) GB FTCH Willowyck Ruff (s)
Harperrig Mist of Ardmuir (s)
SE J(J)CH SE FTCH Streamlight's Aquas Meadow (g) DK BRCH SE J(A)CH NO JCH DK JCH Bjoljahn Maddox (g) Gameflight Goss GB FTCH Conneywarren Russet of Birdbrook
Bo'ness Lady
Bjoljahn Indy Favour Brookmoor Black Moss
Willowyck Tess
Streamlight's Jackies Aqua (s) GB FTCH Lowforge Aragon of Leacaz (s) GB FTCH Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead (s)
Pittendreich Highlight of Lowforge (s)
SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Streamlight's Danas Jackie (g) Clonbara Smiler (s)
SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Streamlight's Dana Scully (g) Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-29 / Page updated 29 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025