Stamtavla för cocker spaniel / Pedigree for cocker spaniel
Tomboys Perfect Partner
SE UCH Tomboys Just in Time
Tomboys Perfect Partner
Mossdew Road Runner
Glowhill Appollo Severn
GB SHCH Dearnewood Star Venture
GB SHCH Leabank Levity
Scolys Silver Cygnet
Glowhill Galaxy
Harwenprince Sonata
Starlight of Glowhill
Mossdew Secret Combination
Hightrees Sweet Talk of Lochranza
GB CH Scolys Starduster
Hightrees None Sweeter
GB SHCH Bitcon Blue Berry of Mossdew
GB SHCH Leabank Levity
Hightrees Love Serenade
SE UCH Tomboys Here I Am
SE UCH Branflic Serenade
Harwenprince Sonata
Parkfarm Blue Emperor
Scolys Sandy Face
Branflic Blue Minx
GB SHCH Cochise Czardas
Scolys Sealace
SE UCH Tomboys Rise 'n Shine
Tomboys Up and Down
Weirdene Scottish Holiday
Tomboys Piffy
Tomboys Remember Me
Weirdene Scottish Holiday
SE UCH Tomboys Dark Lady
SE UCH Tomboys Just in Time
Mossdew Starry Night
GB SHCH Dearnewood Star Venture
GB SHCH Leabank Levity
GB CH Scolys Starduster
GB SHCH Leabank Limerick
Scolys Silver Cygnet
Scolys Bitcon Starmaker
GB CH Scolys Showpiece
Bitcon Sweet Season of Mossdew
GB SHCH Leabank Levity
GB CH Scolys Starduster
GB SHCH Leabank Limerick
Hightrees Love Serenade
Scolys Submarine
Hightrees Blue Butterfly
SE UCH Tomboys Jacqueline
NO UCH Weirdene Winning Move
GB CH Whatmore of Weirdene
Weirdene Lochranza Pearl Driver
Woodcotehoney of Weirdene
White Spats of Weirdene
Peasemore Blue Peter
Why Am'i of Weirdene
SE UCH Tomboys Dark Lady
NO UCH Watchword of Weirdene
GB SHCH Wells Fargo of Weirdene
Witch Broom of Weirdene
Tomboys Piffy
UCH Örlidens Chatterbox
Liecocks Picant
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-02 / Page updated 2 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025