Stamtavla för cocker spaniel / Pedigree for cocker spaniel
Westerner Wagabond Master
Tomboys Remember Me
Westerner Wagabond Master
Sofus Sparkling Style
GB SHCH Chrisolin Cambiare of Styvechale
AU CH Scolys Strike Lucky
Leabank Luckstone
Scolys Sunday's Child
Chrisolin Cantata
Styvechale Sequence of Hobmoor
Barsac Dressage
Weirdene Fellgate Fhearna
Fellgate Rock
Wise Scot of Weirdene
Whintonhill Shadow
Wooty of Weirdene
Leabank Luckstone
Woodcotehoney of Weirdene
Weirdene Western Myth
Westerner of Weirdene
Wyoming of Weirdene
Worthwhile of Weirdene
Weirdene Carol Time
Witch Broom of Weirdene
GB SHCH Weirdene Questing Strathspey
Weathertan of Weirdene
White Hawthorn of Weirdene
GB SHCH Wells Fargo of Weirdene
Weirdene Barnscar Fisher
Weirdene Trech Zenda
Witch Broom of Weirdene
GB SHCH Weirdene Questing Strathspey
Weathertan of Weirdene
Tomboys Remember Me
Weirdene Scottish Holiday
Weirdene Wintry Weather
Winters Moon of Weirdene
GB SHCH Winter Harvest of Weirdene
Why Am'i of Weirdene
Westport Paula of Weirdene
Leabank Luckstone
Winter Mint of Weirdene
Weirdene Fellgate Fhearna
Fellgate Rock
Wise Scot of Weirdene
Whintonhill Shadow
Wooty of Weirdene
Leabank Luckstone
Woodcotehoney of Weirdene
SE UCH Tomboys Dark Lady
NO UCH Watchword of Weirdene
GB SHCH Wells Fargo of Weirdene
Weirdene Barnscar Fisher
Weirdene Trech Zenda
Witch Broom of Weirdene
GB SHCH Weirdene Questing Strathspey
Weathertan of Weirdene
Tomboys Piffy
UCH Örlidens Chatterbox
NORD UCH INT UCH Örlidens Cossack Ii
Liecocks Picant
SE UCH NO UCH Örlidens Lord Mayor
ej reg/not reg:
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-02 / Page updated 2 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025