Stamtavla för cocker spaniel / Pedigree for cocker spaniel
SE V-09 NORD UCH NORD V-11 SE V-12-13 NO VV-14 NO V&NORD V-14 Backhills New Design
SE U(U)CH Occis Dream Ticket
SE V-09 NORD UCH NORD V-11 SE V-12-13 NO VV-14 NO V&NORD V-14 Backhills New Design
Hochachtungsvoll Vom Schloss Hellen
Terriles Tysilio
Ryallcourt Pie in The Sky
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Terriles Tapestry
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Wundertüte Vom Schloss Hellenstein
Midwinter Benedict
DE JCH VDH CH DE CH Blue Wonder Mio Vom Fasanenhang
Lucky Lips Vom Österreichring
VDH CH Hofdame Vom Schloss Hellenstein
VDH CH Joaldy Captain Morgan
Josephine Vom Schloss Hellenstein
SE U(U)CH DK UCH Travis Keep It Classy
NO UCH Travis Vital Spark
NO UCH Tomboys Tailor Made
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Tomboys Try to Night
SE UCH Tomboys Brown Betty Boop
Travis Neon Lights
SE V-89 Leavenworth It S A Pleasure
SE V-92 Travis Fool's Game
SE U(U)CH Travis A La Carte
NO V-92 Travis Smile A While
SE V-95 Lochdene Copper Kettle
Travis Billie Jean
Travis Rising Hell
Beligar Midas Touch
Travis Hell's Angel
SE U(U)CH Occis Dream Ticket
NO V-07 NORD V-07 NO UCH NO V-11 NO VV-12 Travis Miles of Smiles
WW-03 Travis Gossip Starts Here
SE V-96 Travis Touch Mark
Beligar Midas Touch
Travis Loch Lomond
Travis Neon Lights
SE V-89 Leavenworth It S A Pleasure
SE V-92 Travis Fool's Game
Travis Brassed Off
Travis Hale Bopp
NO V-92 Travis Smile A While
Travis Memphis Belle
Travis Overdrive
Travis Simply Smashing
Travis Four Wheel Drive
KBH V-05 WW-06 C.I.E. DK UCH PL CH LU CH Travis Hold On to Your Dream
NO UCH Classicway Coat of Arms
GB SHCH Okell Outward Bound
GB SHCH Dearnewood Star Venture
Okell Onestep
Classicway Coppelia
Classicway Cut-A-Dash
Bullpark Donnabella of Classicway
NORD V-01 SE V-01 SE U(U)CH NO UCH Travis Wake Up and Dream
NO UCH Travis Vital Spark
NO UCH Tomboys Tailor Made
Travis Neon Lights
Travis Double Dream
Beligar Midas Touch
NORD V-94 NO UCH Travis Double Up
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-02 / Page updated 2 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025