Information om Cocker spaniel från

Hundar från / Dogs from GOLDENTASSEN'S
Hundar i namnordning / Dogs ordered by name

Antal hundar: 33
NamnRegnrFöddKönFärgHöfter  ÖgonPRA-genTesterJaktUtstValpar
Goldentassen's A Song For YouSE36385/20172017-05-29tik blue roanA  H    
Goldentassen's DestinySE36384/20172017-05-29tik blue roanA uaH  R-CERT17
Goldentassen's Fire FlySE36386/20172017-05-29tik blue roan   H    
Goldentassen's Hooked On A FeelingSE36380/20172017-05-29hane blue roan   H    
Goldentassen's Innocent EyesSE36381/20172017-05-29hane blue roan   H    
Goldentassen's MichelangeloSE36383/20172017-05-29hane blue roan   H    
Goldentassen's Something's BurningSE36382/20172017-05-29hane blue roan   H    
Goldentassen's Here Comes The SunSE41794/20192019-06-19hane blue roanC uaH    
Goldentassen's Hey JudeSE41795/20192019-06-19hane blue roanA uaH    
Goldentassen's Penny LainSE41793/20192019-06-19tik blue roanA  H    
Goldentassen's Bop Bop BabySE21952/20202020-03-02hane blue roanB  H    
Goldentassen's Flying Without WingsSE21955/20202020-03-02hane blue roan   H    
Goldentassen's I Lay My Love On YouSE21953/20202020-03-02hane blue roanA  H    
Goldentassen's Queen of My HeartSE21954/20202020-03-02tik blue roanA  H    
Goldentassen's Uptown GirlSE21951/20202020-03-02tik orange roanA CorneadystrofiA    
Goldentassen's Beast of BurdenSE55892/20202020-09-09hane blue roanB  H    
SE VCH Goldentassen's Honkey Tonk WomanSE55890/20202020-09-09tik blue roanA Atresia puncta lacrimalisH  EXC ökl 
Goldentassen's Miss YouSE55895/20202020-09-09hane blue roanB  H    
SE VCH Goldentassen's SatisfactionSE55894/20202020-09-09hane blue roanB  H    
Goldentassen's She Said YeahSE55891/20202020-09-09tik blue roanA  H    
Goldentassen's Wild HorsesSE55893/20202020-09-09hane blue roanA  H    
Goldentassen's Blue EyesSE29993/20222022-04-05hane blue roanA       
Goldentassen's Candle in The WindSE29994/20222022-04-05tik blue roan        
Goldentassen's Cirle of LifeSE29995/20222022-04-05tik blue roanA       
Goldentassen's I'm Still StandingSE29997/20222022-04-05tik blue roan        
Goldentassen's Rocket ManSE29992/20222022-04-05hane blue roanA       
Goldentassen's Your SongSE29996/20222022-04-05tik blue roan        
Goldentassen's Born to Be BadSE24427/20232023-03-26hane blue roan        
Goldentassen's Cherry BombSE24423/20232023-03-26tik blue roanA       
Goldentassen's Heart BeatSE24428/20232023-03-26hane blue roan        
Goldentassen's I Love Rock N'rollSE24426/20232023-03-26hane orange roan        
Goldentassen's Queens of NoiseSE24424/20232023-03-26tik orange roan        
Goldentassen's You Drive Me WildSE24425/20232023-03-26hane orange roan  Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-01 / Page updated 1 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024