Information om Cocker spaniel från


Sorterade i namn-ordning

Namn Undersökt Diagnos
SE J(J)CH Chyknell CurlewSE43441/2013 2013-12-30HD grad B
Coola Cox Gå O FiskaSE48540/2012 2013-12-23HD grad A
Twitcher's Cherilyn Sarkasian La PiSE41408/2011 2013-12-17HD grad A
SE U(U)CH NORD VV-19 Manaca's Big DistractionSE42771/2011 2013-12-16HD grad B
Paisley's HoneySE29796/2011 2013-12-12HD grad C
Colnevalley HeathSE37230/2012 2013-12-09HD grad B
Bright Dream's Tumble WeedsS60610/2005 2013-12-06HD grad A
Lönnbackens Armani ManiaSE22869/2012 2013-12-05HD grad C
Örnholmens ChiliSE53069/2012 2013-12-03HD grad B
Blue Berry Springers ZlatanSE11265/2013 2013-12-03HD grad A
Zibbans Kung BoreSE53144/2010 2013-11-29HD grad B
Banducia FriggaS11514/2009 2013-11-27HD grad A
Strandmarkens WindstormSE12180/2012 2013-11-26HD grad A
Strandmarkens JorindaSE11463/2011 2013-11-26HD grad A
Dark Magiq Light OrangeSE56246/2012 2013-11-22HD grad A
Big Green Walley's MarvinSE62506/2012 2013-11-22HD grad B
SE VCH Silk N' Shine Nordic BlossomSE44151/2012 2013-11-20HD grad A
Quettadene Shooting StarSE42899/2011 2013-11-20HD grad C
Line Sam Awesome SisterSE33826/2012 2013-11-20HD grad A
Banducia FrejaS11515/2009 2013-11-19HD grad B
Upsy Daisy's SallySE60432/2010 2013-11-14HD grad B
SE U(U)CH Dark Wing's Taste of SummercakeSE41986/2012 2013-11-14HD grad C
Oakbeach Follow Your DreamsSE21354/2010 2013-11-12HD grad A
Lynwater Diamond GlowSE43143/2013 2013-11-12HD grad A
SE VCH Geltman's Patsy StoneSE60857/2012 2013-11-12HD grad B
Geltman's Edina MonsoonSE60858/2012 2013-11-12HD grad A
Geltman's BubblesSE60859/2012 2013-11-12HD grad A
Allround's GnistaSE60697/2011 2013-11-12HD grad C
SE VCH Atacama's HonettaSE57016/2012 2013-11-08HD grad A
ArrowSE53857/2012 2013-11-08HD grad B
Gårdskäls Behind-The-Red-LineSE38343/2012 2013-11-06HD grad A
Manaca's Hot Shot GamblerSE54109/2012 2013-11-05HD grad B
Logan Place Victoria's SecretSE50111/2012 2013-11-05HD grad A
Line Sam Electric TensionSE55339/2010 2013-11-05HD grad B
Smedmästarens NellyS21023/2009 2013-11-04HD grad A
Light Sound Waltzing MatildaSE53336/2010 2013-11-04HD grad A
Milovi's PolkaSE43842/2012 2013-11-01HD prel. grad C
Winline's Run to The FieldsSE53324/2010 2013-10-31HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Merry Cocktails QueenySE39261/2012 2013-10-31HD grad B
Merry Cocktails Now and ForeverSE25324/2012 2013-10-31HD grad B
Honeywater's Just A FeelingSE47249/2012 2013-10-31HD grad B
SE U(U)CH DK CH(U) DK VV-19 Oakbeach Dream's Come TrueSE21359/2010 2013-10-30HD grad A
Love Cox's Sweet and CozySE47712/2011 2013-10-30HD grad A
Flushpoint What A DameSE50906/2012 2013-10-30HD grad A
Streamflow Saffron-WaldenSE55259/2012 2013-10-28HD grad A
Moorleaf Another ChanceSE35081/2012 2013-10-28HD grad A
Countryways ZoeSE12942/2013 2013-10-28HD grad B
Vagnmakarens LukasSE41244/2012 2013-10-25HD grad D
Streamflow Golden-GroveSE55260/2012 2013-10-25HD grad B
SE VCH Manaca's Makes Your Mama HappySE27822/2012 2013-10-25HD grad A
SE U(U)CH A'special One Curious GirlSE43214/2012 2013-10-22HD grad A
FridaSE54847/2012 2013-10-21HD grad A
Derrycullen Moonstone of MoelfamauFI49571/13 2013-10-21HD grad A
Usemade New GenerationSE43552/2012 2013-10-19HD grad A
Ridgewaters DreamcatcherSE47490/2012 2013-10-18HD grad B
Trinnöja's Sunny GirlSE43795/2011 2013-10-17HD grad B
AmmoSE53856/2012 2013-10-16HD grad B
Love Cox's Kiss Me TenderSE17126/2010 2013-10-15HD grad A
Line Sam Awesome TrixieSE33827/2012 2013-10-15HD grad A
Coxica's LunaSE35696/2012 2013-10-10HD grad A
SE U(U)CH SE JV-13 Westridge One Flew OverSE52031/2012 2013-10-08HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Westridge It's My PartySE52026/2012 2013-10-08HD grad C
Westerner Fairy BluebirdSE53287/2011 2013-10-08HD grad A
Sjösvängens Viktor VindilSE14140/2012 2013-10-08HD grad A
SE VCH NO VCH Gilljams Gold NuggetSE61385/2011 2013-10-08HD grad B
Miklaus Onpa HelmiSE60643/2012 2013-10-03HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Line Sam Xlusive DiamondSE53953/2012 2013-10-03HD grad B
SE U(U)CH Line Sam Xlusive DesignSE53957/2012 2013-10-03HD grad A
Line Sam Xlusive CallSE53955/2012 2013-10-03HD grad A
SE AG(HOPP)CH SE AGCH AGHD II BirkSE54402/2012 2013-10-03HD grad B
Streamflow FairlightSE55261/2012 2013-10-01HD grad A
Silk N' Shine Love in RewindSE39371/2011 2013-10-01HD grad A
Show-The-WayS53822/2006 2013-10-01HD grad C
SE VCH Tans & Tins Midsummer EveSE41972/2012 2013-09-30HD grad A
Red Garlic's Ubåten UlfSE30795/2012 2013-09-30HD grad A
Ah-Tib's Sam's Divine MadnessSE29241/2012 2013-09-30HD grad B
AggroSE53858/2012 2013-09-30HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Travis Maine FileS69894/2008 2013-09-27HD grad B
Cannolis Enchanting BeautySE60128/2011 2013-09-27HD grad A
LV CH Gårdskäls Born-To-Be-AliveSE38344/2012 2013-09-26HD grad A
SE VCH NO VCH Gilljams Gold DiggerSE61383/2011 2013-09-26HD grad B
Flashdance Isn't She LovelySE33622/2012 2013-09-26HD grad A
SE VCH SE U(U)CH Flashdance I Have A DreamSE33620/2012 2013-09-26HD grad A
LPI RLD N RLD F RLD A Smedmästarens HugoSE17995/2012 2013-09-25HD grad B
Lamborghini's Drömmen Om ElisabethSE42573/2012 2013-09-20HD grad B
Maxi Mates Beloved RobeSE13997/2010 2013-09-18HD grad B
Cannolis Drop Dead BeautifulSE53302/2011 2013-09-18HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Streamflow Melton-RossSE55258/2012 2013-09-16HD grad A
Smedmästarens PegSE32944/2012 2013-09-16HD grad B
Perchwater Cinderella of SnowSE12503/2011 2013-09-12HD grad A
Haradwater RocketmanSE58976/2012 2013-09-10HD grad B
SE J(J)CH Eventide's DragonflySE20922/2012 2013-09-10HD grad B
Witch-Hunt's Gregory PeckSE48316/2012 2013-09-05HD grad B
Taxitaxi's MajaSE49097/2011 2013-09-05HD grad A
Lamborghini's TyskungenSE42574/2012 2013-09-05HD grad A
Twitcher's Charlie ChaplinSE41409/2011 2013-09-03HD grad A
Maxi Mates Wonderful RobeS43552/2008 2013-09-03HD grad A
Silk N' Shine Happy NatureSE44150/2012 2013-09-02HD grad A
Ridgewaters Big RockSE47494/2012 2013-09-02HD grad B
Merry Cocktails Peace of MindSE36034/2012 2013-09-02HD grad B
Northworth Flower PowerSE56249/2012 2013-08-28HD grad B
Highlighters Hammer-To-FallSE43852/2012 2013-08-28HD grad B
Winline's Edge of GlorySE30796/2012 2013-08-26HD grad A
Manaca's Raspberry BeretSE27826/2012 2013-08-26HD grad A
Winline's Aim to PleaseSE28434/2010 2013-08-23HD grad A
Highlighters I-Want-It-AllSE43851/2012 2013-08-22HD grad A
Ulvstorp's LennonSE42583/2012 2013-08-21HD grad A
Winline's Forbidden LegendSE50667/2012 2013-08-20HD grad B
Ulvstorp's Midnight RumblerSE61375/2011 2013-08-16HD grad A
UA CH C.I.E. RO CH PL CH LU CH Rock Star XilanderPKR.VIII-28530 2013-08-16HD grad A
Dark Wing's Bright Summer SunSE41980/2012 2013-08-15HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Dan-L's Rudy Fear No FightSE44300/2012 2013-08-15HD grad B
Cockett's KalaspinglaSE50297/2012 2013-08-15HD grad B
SE U(U)CH SE JV-12 Ricemountain's Caol IlaSE22871/2012 2013-08-14HD grad A
Royalcox LazloSE47645/2012 2013-08-13HD grad A
Cockett's VårstjärnaSE16594/2012 2013-08-13HD grad C
Cockett's VitsippaSE16602/2012 2013-08-13HD grad C
LPI LPII RLD N RLD F Witch-Hunt's Greta GarboSE48318/2012 2013-08-12HD grad B
Convent Springer LancasterSE45748/2012 2013-08-08HD grad B
Westerner Seven Seas SymphonySE50387/2012 2013-08-07HD grad A
Ulvseke's Beauty HarmonySE39427/2010 2013-08-07HD grad B
Rosinedals CarismaSE49095/2011 2013-08-07HD grad D
Heimarkens Take Me to A DreamSE16869/2012 2013-08-05HD grad A
Lamborghini's Super-CharlieSE42572/2012 2013-08-02HD grad A
Milovi's SoyaSE27158/2012 2013-08-01HD grad B
Milovi's SalviaSE33831/2012 2013-08-01HD grad A
AGHD II Hollyoaks KhanSE27606/2012 2013-07-31HD grad A
Stora Hult Hello Mary LouSE25718/2012 2013-07-30HD grad A
SE VCH Allert's IcelandSE44895/2012 2013-07-30HD grad A
Viijägarens RutS60761/2008 2013-07-29HD grad A
Usemade Naughty But NiceSE43554/2012 2013-07-29HD grad C
Stora Hult Days Like ThisSE35664/2011 2013-07-29HD grad A
Flashdance Greatest DreamSE11629/2011 2013-07-29HD grad A
Ridgewaters Go WildSE47495/2012 2013-07-26HD grad A
Manaca's Kind of MagicSE27830/2012 2013-07-26HD grad A
SE VCH RLD N RLD F Manaca's By The WaySE42778/2011 2013-07-24HD grad B
Line Sam Special BlackSE37987/2012 2013-07-24HD grad A
Line Sam Awesome HugSE33825/2012 2013-07-24HD grad A
Fixed Winner of Dolly's StyleSE11565/2013 2013-07-24HD grad B
Heimarkens True LoveSE16870/2012 2013-07-23HD grad A
Diamonds of Åsum Tuff TekiteSE15483/2012 2013-07-19HD grad A
Puppy Dream's Emma HandyS65771/2009 2013-07-18HD grad B
Oakbeach Love Me Like CrazySE25047/2011 2013-07-18HD grad A
Näckrosdammens GoldmaniaSE37508/2012 2013-07-18HD grad B
SE VCH Helenwood StarplayerSE57806/2011 2013-07-16HD grad B
Dragongårdens Heart of GoldSE19908/2012 2013-07-16HD grad A
SmillaSE37992/2012 2013-07-15HD grad A
Tapioka's SunlightSE24908/2012 2013-07-09HD grad A
Tapioka's MoonlightSE24909/2012 2013-07-09HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Woodmore's ValdemarSE63231/2011 2013-07-08HD grad B
SE VCH Westerner Lifetime LoveSE40806/2010 2013-07-05HD grad C
Silk N' Shine DeluxeSE44147/2012 2013-07-05HD grad A
Support GamblerSE40104/2012 2013-07-04HD grad A
Welladays SoloSE21198/2012 2013-07-03HD grad A
Summer Girl's CarolSE56717/2010 2013-07-02HD grad A
Lönnbackens Webere ParrotSE40097/2012 2013-07-02HD grad A
NORD UCH Wavecatcher Magic EverdreamSE35698/2012 2013-07-01HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Wavecatcher Magic EuphoriaSE35700/2012 2013-07-01HD grad A
Perchwater Queen of PerfectionSE50547/2010 2013-07-01HD grad A
LV CH SE U(U)CH DK CH(U) Occis Speed LimitSE35295/2012 2013-06-26HD grad B
SE VCH Allround's RaskaSE60695/2011 2013-06-24HD grad A
Convent Springer LydneySE45742/2012 2013-06-20HD grad A
Lönnbackens Flaming ParrotSE40095/2012 2013-06-19HD grad B
Iagos TobleroneSE21675/2012 2013-06-19HD grad A
Solid Harmony's Roman SupremeSE60270/2010 2013-06-18HD grad A
Dan-L's Nothing to FearSE37995/2012 2013-06-18HD grad A
SE VCH SE U(U)CH NO UCH Manaca's Milk N'toast and HoneySE32447/2012 2013-06-13HD grad A
Eventide's AmberflySE20923/2012 2013-06-13HD grad B
SE VCH NO VCH Cockerqueen's FjällripaS33188/2009 2013-06-12HD grad A
Cockett's SnödroppeSE16598/2012 2013-06-11HD grad B
Big Green Walley's Kajsa-KavatSE59982/2011 2013-06-07HD grad A
Dancing Feet's Working Nine to FiveSE35070/2011 2013-06-05HD grad A
LPI RLD N RLD F SPH I Lönnbackens Libretto ParrotSE40096/2012 2013-06-04HD grad A
Allround's RusaSE60696/2011 2013-06-03HD grad B
Cockerblues Loch FergusSE13513/2012 2013-05-31HD grad A
Merry Cocktails DearestS47001/2009 2013-05-30HD grad B
Courtmaster Magic in The AirSE26467/2012 2013-05-30HD grad B
Bonnets Lapp-LisaSE55254/2011 2013-05-30HD grad B
SE VCH SE U(U)CH NO UCH Allert's Grace LandSE31164/2011 2013-05-30HD grad A
Summer Girl's ChannelSE56715/2010 2013-05-27HD grad B
Cockett's TussilagoSE16599/2012 2013-05-27HD grad C
Lamborghini's AmySE60276/2011 2013-05-23HD grad B
Ulvseke's MoonwalkerSE28111/2012 2013-05-22HD grad A
Näckrosdammens LaponiaSE56158/2011 2013-05-20HD grad A
Näckrosdammens GossipSE37505/2012 2013-05-20HD grad A
Migliore Amico CerenSE33944/2011 2013-05-20HD grad A
Merry Cocktails QuadrantSE39260/2012 2013-05-20HD grad B
Merry Cocktails BelvoirSE51887/2011 2013-05-16HD grad C
Dragongårdens HeartbreakerSE19909/2012 2013-05-16HD grad A
Bernerbitens Oskar IiSE41374/2010 2013-05-15HD grad B
Winline's Carp DiemSE39364/2011 2013-05-14HD grad B
Tans & Tins Peach BlossomSE56616/2011 2013-05-14HD grad B
Stawaskogens QiraSE28114/2012 2013-05-13HD grad A
SE VCH SE U(U)CH NO UCH Keonomis Litorina LineSE32733/2012 2013-05-13HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Ying Yang Made in AustriaSE41373/2012 2013-05-10HD grad A
Glenntree English RoseSE10856/2012 2013-05-07HD grad C
Matchpoint's Mess AroundSE44136/2010 2013-05-06HD grad B
SE U(U)CH DK CH(U) Occis FlibbertygibbitSE35300/2012 2013-05-03HD grad A
Occis Duty FreeSE35296/2012 2013-05-03HD grad A
Mallowdale AbeSE42142/2013 2013-05-02HD grad B
Bright Dream's Moves Like JaggerSE57164/2011 2013-05-02HD grad C
Bright Dream's Crazy For Your LoveSE61613/2011 2013-05-02HD grad B
Occis Modern MillySE35299/2012 2013-04-30HD grad A
Tricksters Reaching The SkyS45745/2006 2013-04-26HD grad A
Wisborgens SkottSE32201/2012 2013-04-24HD grad B
Backhills Clear VisionSE20676/2012 2013-04-23HD grad B
Turtle Dove's Here We Go AgainSE28829/2012 2013-04-22HD grad A
Cockernest Black Pearl of InnisSE44432/2011 2013-04-22HD grad C
Lönnbackens LakritspuckS51414/2009 2013-04-18HD grad C
Ridgewaters Elvis-PresleySE13764/2010 2013-04-16HD grad A
Cannolis Blueberry MuffinSE60936/2010 2013-04-16HD grad A
Silk N' Shine Call Me BossSE60566/2011 2013-04-15HD grad A
Turtle Dove's Glorious PearlSE56605/2011 2013-04-09HD grad A
Westerner Touch With LoveSE56596/2011 2013-04-08HD grad D
Olica's BrunelloSE36826/2011 2013-04-08HD grad B
Olica's AsinoneSE36827/2011 2013-04-08HD grad A
Cocker Lover's Summer Wind Over SeaSE39922/2010 2013-04-08HD grad A
Backhills CandyflossSE20677/2012 2013-04-08HD grad A
Stjärntass Best ChocolatierSE36231/2010 2013-04-04HD grad A
Smedmästarens DollySE48496/2010 2013-04-04HD grad B
Hornlakes The Absolut Trick Or TiniSE41419/2011 2013-04-04HD grad B
SE VCH Meitas Vito BlåsippaSE39030/2011 2013-03-28HD grad C
Fancy Paws That's My AngelSE26294/2012 2013-03-28HD grad A
Fancy Paws Taste of IrishSE26295/2012 2013-03-28HD grad B
RLD N Accounts MoonlightS65166/2009 2013-03-27HD grad B
SE VCH Tozzi Devoted to YouSE26607/2011 2013-03-25HD grad B
Kåpåsens Deutz RoseSE42422/2011 2013-03-25HD grad A
Blomstergården KlaraSE42415/2011 2013-03-25HD grad D
Jakobssons RubinSE26985/2011 2013-03-22HD grad A
Ulvseke's Boots Made For WalkingSE28109/2012 2013-03-20HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Benchmark Le Feu LightSE33622/2011 2013-03-18HD grad A
Welladays SharmingSE21201/2012 2013-03-13HD grad A
Suncox BogalooSE20672/2012 2013-03-13HD grad A
Hornlakes UltimateSE16984/2012 2013-03-11HD grad B
Upsy Daisy's SirpaSE60434/2010 2013-03-04HD grad A
Idunvallens Cirque Du SoleilSE14886/2012 2013-03-04HD grad A
SmillaS25195/2006 2013-02-27HD grad A
NO UCH Art-Wave's Cocktails and DreamsSE17300/2012 2013-02-27HD grad A
AthenaSE47814/2010 2013-02-26HD grad C
Exalicja's Young RascalSE52468/2011 2013-02-21HD grad A
Ah-Tib's PixieS21790/2009 2013-02-19HD grad B
Coola Cox SuperstarSE62940/2011 2013-02-18HD grad A
Taxitaxi's Destiny WomanSE56618/2011 2013-02-14HD grad A
SE VCH RLD N RLD F RLD A Milovi's LambadaSE24479/2011 2013-02-14HD grad A
Dragongårdens Get GoingS45320/2009 2013-02-14HD grad A
SE U(U)CH Puppy Dream's Amy LeSE11640/2012 2013-02-12HD grad A
Hallabo's Dancing ClownSE32946/2011 2013-02-12HD grad A
SE VCH Oakbeach Love Me GentlySE25046/2011 2013-02-11HD grad B
Meryl MoonshineSE37548/2011 2013-02-11HD grad A
SE U(U)CH NO UCH GB SHCH Manchela Born to Be WildKCSB2092CU 2013-02-08HD grad C
Westerner Angels WishSE15171/2012 2013-02-05HD grad A
Funny Lion BabsanSE62188/2010 2013-02-04HD grad C
Twinkle Open MindedSE41417/2011 2013-01-25HD grad A
Lord Nelson's Aqua Tropical BreezerS47475/2008 2013-01-25HD grad A
Turtle Dove's Glorious GiftSE56610/2011 2013-01-22HD grad A
Diamonds of Åsum HarmlessSE50766/2011 2013-01-22HD grad B
Backhills Always Goes OnSE53293/2011 2013-01-18HD grad A
Perchwater Eternal AngelSE30792/2011 2013-01-17HD grad A
SE U(U)CH DK CH(U) SE JV-12 Haradwater Dare to DreamSE26383/2012 2013-01-17HD grad A
SE VCH RLD N RLD F RLD A SE RALLYCH Woodmore's TimjaSE49104/2011 2013-01-16HD grad A
Flushpoint What A CorkerSE43504/2011 2013-01-16HD grad A
Travis Cut to The ChaseSE46924/2012 2013-01-15HD grad A
Lagromi All of MeSE48809/2011 2013-01-14HD grad B
Travis Fashion FixNO33555/12 2013-01-10HD grad A
Zetterlines Mamma MiaS57173/2008 2013-01-09HD grad B
Hallabo's Sweet MollyS50128/2008 2013-01-09HD grad A
Westerner Fair GameSE51606/2010 2013-01-08HD grad A
Westerner Beyond WishesSE15173/2012 2013-01-08HD grad A
King Wizard TrulsSE46660/2010 2013-01-07HD grad B
Honeywater's HuntingtonSE15577/2011 2013-01-07HD grad B
Royalcox CelebrationSE16229/2012 2013-01-04HD grad A
Westmills Let's Go WildS66956/2009 2013-01-03HD grad A
Flushpoint What A BitchSE37817/2010 2013-01-03HD grad B Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-01 / Page updated 1 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024